I'm tired of eating all this salt :(
That was Kroq, IIRC. The first iteration of the current Kroq-Gar. He also ignored armor!! I think he did D3 wounds also, but maybe I'm getting...
Keep 'em coming!! Tell your "friends"!!
I'm a Controls Engineer. I control things. What things? Anything you want! Kinda like a mercenary. Got into this because I like to know how things...
I got super giddy when I read that, lol. "Vampire Counts" and "Tomb Kings" used to be one army called "Undead" Now I'm all hopeful and stuff.
I thought you drew that!! I do see the similarities in the drawings. The only real difference I would say is perhaps your art is produced...
Haha, depends on how the game rolls out! I'll take a full Skink Skirmisher army and a Slann against ANYONE and see how they like it. P.S. I think...
I always thought RAI = Rules as Interpreted. Maybe RAW should mean Rules as Wanted, but then there would be no RAW/RAI debate :D Even though it's...
Welcome to the forum! Nice sleeper post. Railroading may need a definition. I don't know what this tactic is.
I disagree with this. GW has limitations on the types of units you can take in certain categories (Rare, Core, Lords, etc...). Yes there are some...
That one didn't make the cut this year. If you'd like I can send you the info you'll need to order it yourself after we finish up this order.
Keep those orders coming! We're doing great so far! Prices are updated in post #2
Agreed with @Scalenex. I've played them once in a game of T&T, so it was kind of chaotic to begin with. But I recall my Chameleons and Skinks did...
That sure looks like a 5th edition model. I wish I still had my old catalog cause then I'd have the exact answer. My educated guess is it's either...
My productivity level is only 3, so... NEVAR!!! Jk jk. I painted a bunch this winter, but I didn't take pics of 'em. I'll do that soon. For the...
:D Eh, I dunno. HPA will probably squish him. You almost need to bring some fire to kill that stupid thing. The Egg is cool, but unreliable IMO....
I dont think that bloodstorm is going on in my part of the world :confused:
Looks like it's Sky-Snakes for you, my friend.