We <3 @polarbear5 [MEDIA]
I think a BSB would be more valuable. I dunno though, the S7 attacks are nice too. Definitely a tough choice there.
I don't get the Bloodstorm comment :( If you're going for a semi soft list, you've nailed it. I don't see anything that screams, "Death to all...
5th edition Army Book was Skink Cold One Riders (Also 6th in the Southlands list, which I really wish they would have kept!!! Back when GW loved...
Side note, that book also gave us the current Tehenhauin model! (and I think the current Saurus Cavalry)
I agree with n810. You only have 3 ranks of Saurus anyway, so you'll have less than that by the time they get to combat. Your 3rd rank of attacks...
@Jacob Goodenough, I edited your post to remove individual point values. Looks like a fun army! I don't think I've ever seen a unit of 70 Saurus...
Hmm, I'm always hesitant about the Flaming Banner. I'd rather have the Warbanner. Also the Banner of Discipline might be overkill. You're already...
Looks like a fun list! I ran something similar at a tournament last year. All I can say is to be crafty with your Saurus. Unless you let them...
I really like your army! The only thing I would consider as a drawback is the singular combat unit. I can see you getting outmaneuvered pretty...
Hmm, I'm not sold on the Jungle Swarms + Ark combo. Quite honestly I've never tried it though, so it might be something worthwhile. If you can...
I think they have a bad reputation. Back in 7th edition when we ran with Life and Light Loremasters, I highly doubt anyone would have thought that...
That guy is from 6th edition. There was a campaign book called Lustria which had new units for both Lizardmen and Skaven. The Arcanadon wielded...
Here's my order: Snake Eye, Gemini Black-Red/gold, 12 Egg Head, Gemini Black-Blue/gold, 12 Comet, Leaf Black,4 Wound Marker, Scarab Jade ,4
Just in time for the dice order!!! Woo!! Welcome to LO!
Remember, the more we order, the cheaper they get! Also remember that I am not taking money yet!!! I'll send PMs about that when the time is upon...
Hooray!! It's Here!!! [ATTACH] [ATTACH] All sides of the dice can be seen here: 2015 Dice Gallery Dice Descriptions: Snake...
Asking for jokes in the Thread of Bob? I must be going crazy.
Haha, this thread is off to a glorious start :D
Maybe we should stop liking their posts... My input, Saurus are born in pools just like everything else. So yes they CAN swim. However they are...