I think I would leave this dark scale color as a color between the scales and overpaint with a midtone the top of the scales.
I love to see it slowly coming to shape. Keep up the good work!
LETS GET MOTIVATED - APRIL My goal was to work up the edge highlights (shield and gold) and smooth highlights on the skin. [ATTACH] BODY I...
I wasn't able to run that Flash component. Is there still a standalone flash player that is able to run this painting app?
Haven't seen that you already responded, but I updated the post with color wheel approach that can help you in early stages ;)
Unless you have a monitor with 99%+ color space covered painting on the models is actually the best way to test the color scheme. I cannot count...
Finally update the blog from April and September Lets Get Motivated edition :p EDIT: blog updated for April painting result EDIT2: blog updated...
No no no, that's warping in and Engines of the Gods and Slann act as Warp Prisms ;)
Didn't know Lizardmen had a Stargate :) Cool idea. I think it could use some more weathering and drybrushing to give it a more stone look, but...
Yay, another Total War Warhammer player that rediscovered the hobby :). Welcome aboard!
Cost is not bad in Poland for that. I will definitely think of buying that when I start basing the knights ;) Thanks!
I tried the Total War scheme on Skinks and quickly backed off from this idea, but on a larger models it might work well. Reason is the colors are...
Welcome aboard!
This one should be permanent: https://discord.gg/YP3a7jU
I would call it cruising, rather than sailing :)
After a successful crisis management after "the worst wash ever" that lead me to repaint almost a half of a mini the test cold one is getting into...
Lot of scrubbing and polishing incoming ;)
Reminds me of this: [IMG]
I love the way all those highlights are nicely blending from afar. This is a stunning effect and definitely something to learn from you!
Oh, you also plan to train painting on used models, nice! Great that you found so many deals :) You will probably trash a lot of models before you...