Yes. This download on the Internet. If you pay more, it's because you want to.
What Rhinoceros allows me, that ZBrush does not do, is to work with real measures. [ATTACH] For example, I made some banners designs for...
I use Rhinoceros. That serves to make solid objects, structures and some designs in modeling. Other people use solid works, for the same, I...
I think the link is wrong
No, just use Rhinoceros. In the link I shared above, of articles to print in 3D, maybe you can find things that are useful for you to finish it.
That ram was my idea. I asked VidoVicarts, if I could do it when I didn't know how to design in 3D before, maybe I'll improve it later. Do you...
You have more articles to print in 3D here:
I designed this Howdah in 3D. And I'm just discovering your design. They are very similar. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] I created it for...
I thought you designed it in 3D. That's why I asked you about the file. Nice work! And how was it finished? did you paint it?
Where did you get the blue platform? Do you have the file yet?
THE JUNGLE CARNIVOROUS PLANT (paid) By Emmanuel Lepas [ATTACH] Free demo...
BEAST AND ANIMALS XI / BESTIAS Y ANIMALES XI King of the Lizard Lizard folk...
Unfortunately, I don't know how to use the zbrush yet. The designs I make are made with Rhinoceros, and they are all structures. I need to learn...
What happened @Paverko , you never finished it. Too bad, it looked very cute. I just published recently, the first Howdah I was working on, I...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Did you think about making Dilophosaurus head? Maybe look much better. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] I would have made it dible row of...
Please, I'm need somebody help. From the original palanquin [ATTACH] I would need if you can help me with the measures I show below, in order to...
Genius! It is a good team work! I had to do the same to do the stegadon Howdahs. Until the original pieces arrived and I could continue on...
Maybe you can make a well-made proxy of Caiman, with these parts. Lizard warrior Feraligatr pokémon...
It's so cool. I don't know if you've seen it, but they also made a Razordon. Razordon
Soon! [ATTACH] This is a job for the next AOS Howdah, which I did with the help of Jayden Barr. I wonder, what happened to the incredible...