Ah, thanks man. :) Hope I've helped!
Yeah, most cases will see you having to redirect or tie it up for sure. WoC is just insanely fast. The Bastiladon's potentially lethal Solar...
Heh. o_o Something just occured to me: Lizards have no access to Regen (none whatsoever), and possibly the fewest Regen workarounds. THE...
WD Slann could put a hurt on it. Otherwise, Steg is good. Baby Steg + Bast combo shines here.
Nagash is trying to unite them (probably so he can have more mooks to die under his tyranny). My Lizards will be taking Undead for sure. That's...
I've had much better experience with the Regadon as a monster hunter/chariot smasher than the Ancient. I take a Bastiladon in baaaasically all of...
He was pretty normal (as normal as Necromancers can be, anyway), but he confused a Warpstone for rock candy one day. Whoops!
Ah, man!! Yes!! This addition perfectly fits the fluff of my themed lizards! They reside in the ashen ruins of Pahuax, led by a death-obsessed,...
List looks like loads of fun, man. :) I have a couple of concerns.. First, I'd be worried about the lack of Dragonbane/Dragonhelm on the big...
You've got to accept that the Bastiladon is not a superstar (should you intend to take one). It provides support. Period. Anything else that it...
I figure I'll drop the illegal Scar Vet, and use his 42 of his 51 Slaves to buy a third Salamander w/ an extra handler (1x2 Sals + a solo Sal)....
This is part of the reason why I'd included double-Iceshard & Sallies, actually. Inflicting auto-panic on Warriors at -1/-2 Ld is menacing, even...
Thanks, man! Much better!
Hmm... Drop Bastiladon + Salamanders & pick up TG, or Steg? Could even knock the cheapo/illegal Scar Vet off of his Cold One and have him...
Pretty good advice, man - thanks much. I'll revise so that the list is a decent middle-ground between my own playstyle & peak efficiency. Edit:...
"Biggest problem I see is where is the slaan going to hide out? Between the DP and potential chimera, it would be very hard to avoid combat very...
Sorry if I'm necrothreading, but my list is up. http://www.lustria-online.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=14970 I'd appreciate any further suggestions &...
Lords: Slann Mage-Priest - WD, RoEE, BC, SoS, Power Stone, BSB Heroes: Skink Priest - Heavens, Dispel Scroll Saurus Scae-Veteran - Cold One,...
Nice work, man. :D RRRIBBIT!!
Interesting philosophy... I'll do my best to incorporate that into an all-comers list, and hopefully have it up tonight.