Hey guys! I am running a little proyect and I am in desperate need of one single clanrat! Do any of you know where can I buy one? Or have one to...
----- Gor Rok/Sunblood #2 ----- [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] I might add some grass...
Wow thanks for all the compliments man! I apreciate it... I will post some pictures of my second gor rok finished soon
It works now!
Sooo cool! I love what you did with this guy!
Looking Great!!! Did you get some inspiration from @Fiona ??
Awesooome! Thanks everybody for all the help! You are the best! Additionally here is a link to a great totorial I found doing a little more...
Hey everyone! I am in desperate need for help in tjis one. I would like to do a pond (water effect ) in the basing of my minis such that the...
Haha yeha it takes me forever to finish anyrhing, so I figured If was going to enter both competitions I would need to get some work done during...
Ohhh noo! We are now all doomed!! .... Haha just kidding you should definately enter! You would probably end up winning something! By the way...
I am now oficially 70% finished with my converaion entry! :)
I thibk I've got an idea for the convesrion contest as well... I would definately eould like to get an entry finished for the lizardmsn painting...
Awesome to see everyone so exited about the contest!
Thanks man! I haven't thought much about the base yet... Any suggestions? Thanks man I still have to do some more work on the skin but...
Hello everybody! After a milenia of not posting anything I finally have an update for you guys. Here is some WIP of my second Gor Rok/Sunblood,...
It is awesome that we are geting a mention and some love in almost every book that comes out! I really hope this keeps up when aelfs and other...
Where did this come from, is it from the Urruk book?
I am not sure if i am wrong but I believe this is just the first revisiĆ³n that they eanted to doble check with the community. They mentioned they...
Have you guys seen this?? It is Just too good! https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=469380939925371&substory_index=0&id=452117934985005...