Thanks man! For the scales I used a mixture of green, black and brown but I still to work a little more on them as they are coming out really...
O man I would love to help here but my photography skills suck
I wanted my cold ones to look different to what you usually see, that is where this color scheme comes into play. It is still on the works but You...
I just updated the white dwarf app for the iphone, and something rwlly strange happened. Instead of showing the price tag for each of the white...
Thanks for the clarification man!
Thanks @Crowsfoot for all the images!!... I am curious, is there any fluf that suggest whether lord kroak, gor rok and chakax are now generic...
Thanks for the answers guys, I thibk I will be stiking with order armies as well, I dont like the idea of convining bad guys with good guys! The...
when you build an AoS army, can you put whatever you want? For example can I have an army of seraphon fightibg along demons of Chaos ( that to me...
Holy shit this formations are all good! Specially when convined with the sinergies we allready have! D3 damage on a 3 atack temple guard model...
Same here
I have also been exploring this idea! Abd I am between two options an itawa with a double compressor or the GREX kit wich is supposed to be also...
I love all of them nice job
Beauyifull work Girst of all nuce job! Second, i believe the best way to do this is to magnetize the objects, there are really small magnets...
As a pice of advice, if you are not decided for a specific color reference, allways choose the brightests because they can be make darker really...
I like the looks of it! great job!
Thhnks a lot man! They took a long while to finish! I am trying to lern to paint faster so that I can keep improving the quality but finish faster...
Tjis is my favorite
Thanks for the repply man!.... There is going to be artwork and fluff for this? Wow they are really going to town with this! Good job!
Is 0.9.0 the final edition? Or is it still under development?
Blade of realities is definattely the winner for me here, I have no idea on how to sculpt it but that one I thibk is the most interesting. They...