Hooo man!!! This model os even more georgeous than the kroxigor! ... I wouldnt change a thing! ... So good! Really looking forward to when they...
I am also going for both! To be fair, both of them are awesome... But if I had to choose I would probably go with the starpriest
Its from the free sample that they have on the ibook store
I agree its a one time thing in most cases, that is why I mentioned to use it as part of the army not the whole army, its only 23 wounds and it...
3 Formation: Fight deamons of chaos, hahhaa preaty much everithing we have does extra damage to them just a few examples: -kroak -chameleons...
2nd Formation This one is an easy one that has been made for us but that when you add it to your army and use it you are going to kill anything...
Similar to @Bainbow I have also been playing arrownd sinergies and have found a cople of them, and I have also found something that most armies...
[ATTACH] This guivew a little more explanation about how we became stars
I think is F** Awesome!! I really like this guy... the implication of having small casters in your army is huge, now you dont need two slans to...
The more I see this bundle the more I think GW made a mistake why would you need two sunbloods? Did they make gor rok a standard hero ( that...
http://www.gamestrust.de/bilder,list1266,1,white-dwarf.html The new artwork looks awesome,here is the libk to more inages [ATTACH]
Leaked release list for next week! We are getting a battletome before aelfs! That really surprises me...
It looks like its going to ba a repack after all. http://natfka.blogspot.com.co/2015/10/a-hint-to-fate-of-missing-lizardmen.html?m=1
I really hope this is a rebasing thing! I really wanted to get my hands on a lord kroak
Hahahha I would have to work a lot on my free hand in order to do that! But thanks!
Those are perfect! Unfortunatelly i dont thibk they ship internationally i am currwntly in south america :s i will probably have to look for some...
Hahah I guess the picture is a little misleading.... The case is actually a little bit smaller than a Carry on case, and it is made out of 5mm...
Today is something different! :) I got tired of having to carry several cases to transport my army, and as I couldnt find a case that I liked.......
Haha, yes it was the same thing for me! It took me a while to get motivated to finish the skinks and howda! Its such a relief when you finish it....
@NIGHTBRINGER I used bestial brown, black, yellow, bleached bone, and scar white. Started with the darkest coulors an move towards the lighter ones