Yes I think they are trying to streamline the rules to get the length of the games down. I have never played AoS, but the idea of 2 hour games for...
Here it is:...
Interesting, I just looked it up on Wikipedia. If I had of known all that I probably would have made it a canon.
Hi everyone, (I'm doing a lot more computer work than I used to, so I never really feel like sitting at it when I don't have to, which is why I'm...
Hi everyone, I am so busy! I am nearly done with my postgraduate law degree, working part time, and I'I a stay at home dad most of the week while...
Just got my official knock-back letter :) Wondered if anyone had some success?
When you select attributes that give bonuses for cold ones, do they also give bonuses for horned ones?
Yup I am catching the high elves quickly Also got a full army on the way to disrupt things Meanwhile damn hero spam being annoying and doing...
That wasn't me who said that. I had no idea what ritual resources are. Now I am mining on two sites and got military access to grab a third off a...
Haha I thought quests were how you earned tablets In fact I'm pretty sure you get told that. I only discovered it because one of the quests is...
About half way through Kroq campaign. Elves are in front as they have started ritual 2, I'm about 2/3 of the way to it from ritual 1. I have only...
Just as a follow up. I wrote to them with these questions and they responded: --- If your get through the open submissions, you will be asked to...
No, but you don't own my writing when I post on here. The part about prize money was to highlight the 'no upside' issue. Literally GW could take...
Riighteo I just read the terms and conditions When you submit the story you are giving GW the full and exclusive rights to the story....
I believe the sample story is 500 I am on my phone but think I operates differently than the outline
I find it interesting how I always end up voting for the same authors Also when I participated I would have usually have the same people vote for me
500 words is tiiight. I wonder if I can redo something here? I've only ever written fantasy so I'd have to convert it to BB or AoC.
Deadlock broken at the last minute
Oh man dropping orders is annoying! Is that a purposeful thing by TW (i.e. a failed leadership test?) or it is a weird bug?
Cheers. I have a few skirmishers at the moment but they can't keep up against the skaven I presume they have equal movement or something?