When you get a boosting building like an insect farm for chamo skinks, do the bonuses apply for just that city or recruiting from the province?...
If you want to occupy a settlement, are there any circumstances when it is better to sack than occupy? I figure I shouldn't, but when they wave...
In Shogun 2 I liked the Chosokabe which basically meant I was extremely heavy on the archers. I like that Lizardman missiles aren't great, it...
Kroq-Gar My plan was to rapidly expand and gain full control of two provinces, then sure things up from there. Kroq-Gar took his party west to...
Yeah I can't see how you can call consoles behind when you factor cost into it. Boy I'm glad I chose easy. I'm getting relentlessly attacked by...
I don't remember Shogun 2 being like that. Is that a TW:W thing, or is there another reason like I used to be quite bad at Shogun 2?
How can my army said if I can't build boats? edit - just googled this. Wow I never would have guessed that armies can just move across water....
Great advice. I had decided on easy, but you are making me rethink things. Then again, I would have needed twice the amount of armies to withstand...
Age of Copyright is so ridiculously stupid I can't even But I'd like to.chime in on the assumption that more complex, unforgiving tactics (e.g....
Well well well I started the third ritual when I had 2 full armies to defend. Thanks to a drop of 3 full chaos and 2 full skaven I've been...
I voted for song of freedom and time to remember. Looks like my vote has mixed it up.a bit! PS. Author of dirge, yours deserves more than 1 vote
Here comes the sun Once again I didn't quite 'get' it. It can be hard when writing a story. You are so close to it, what looks subtle might be...
Splashing of spawning is hard to comment on. So original it's difficult to "compare". I liked it. I didn't love it like some of the pieces. But I...
Dirge is the sort of topic I could see myself tackling. That sort of brief piece trying to illuminate something, in this case the hopelessness of...
Oh right, I've only played 2. That explains why I couldn't find it, haha
Wait you have to click to get the hero to use their bonuses? Gees.
Gotcha, thanks guys
Yes I did you mean. Cycle charge. How do you reform? Can you only do it if you're a multiple combatant?
What does ''cycle change" mean?
The instrument Writing about such a simple story was quite a risk. I like risks. I have to say that I assumed that a skink would know a bit...