Bang wakes up out of a long nap, evidently he fell asleep while making schematics for something that appears to be a flamethrower. "Huh portal?!...
I thought this was a joke at first galnce, but no. The math works out. Indeed its very possible :D I might have to try this out as I have archaon...
Bang, a list of material assembled for the twin rail cannons approaches the orc smith. "Hello there, would you be able to forge a few...
Bang hearing a shriek bolts towards the the sound, dropping off his loot in a heap after picking some choice pieces for himself. "Ohhh maybe...
Bang, now carrying heaps of food is nearly invisible, save for his legs and feat carrying a small mountain of gear, weapons, and armor. "Alright...
Bang, sensing opportunity starts gathering all the swords, axes, daggers, and any metal scrap he can find. He is going to have a feast on this...
Welcome to to Lustria! What lizardwizard said about saurus knights is very accurate. They also provide the perfect counter to nighthaunt as they...
Bang, while waiting all this time was doodling. His sketches look vaguely worrying, they appear to be some kind of device that release... some...
Bang a bit confused hops back onto Drew's head. He then looks around to the group "so guys what next?"
Bang looks interested "How big are we talking? I could use something for artillery. Its an experimental technology used by my fellow rodents that...
"those were your sheep?" Bang looks confused "Well i didn't eat any." he repsonds a few moments later. "What i was going to ask for is if you have...
Bang looks quizzically "I mean if he can deal with the scro, can we just leave him? Im not one for succession, orders, and empires as my people...
Bang yawns and wakes up from his nap on Drew's head. "oh look a new guy." Bang quickly inquires what he has missed. Bang gags when the man says he...
Dogs? The word makes bang jump for he knows what dogs do to rabbits... once again he is ontop of Drew's head trying to make himself as...
First thing i've been working on to paint is the ghostkeel, mostly worked on the lense [IMG]
Bang wakes up, sniffs and looks over at the half dragon "HA- the lizard man shit himself ahaha" Bang cackles. However the half-dragon snaps which...
Bang is on edge.. its peaceful.. TOO peaceful... he is going to do another sweep... huh thats odd, monestary doors are locked and bang knows...
Bang noting nothing of interest returns to the group, stating "it seems to be all quiet here. Just stay somewhat on guard and we should be fine"
Bang almost immediately regrets his decision for hopping on the sheep, however he has a peak around