Bang has a flash of insight, he crawls on the back of the sheep. It doesnt seem to mind so he easily clambers aboard. The wool is soft and almost...
MMhhh says bang nomming up some berries
Bang looks up and grins "my pleasure, was wondering when you would ask." Bang cranks up the rail gun and departs, slipping out, silent as a ghost
Bang, already losing interest in the captive goes to working on how he can improve the railgun. Sights would be nice, probably some nice glass...
Damn thats incredible, it looks much more like an actual creature and still has a very dynamic pose. Huge props to you on doing that :)
1. twix 2. snickers 3. reese's 4. butter fingers 5. 3 musketeers i despise 3 musketeers. it is truly a crime against all human decency and is...
Bang looks miserable, despite being a decent swimmer it soaks his fur and makes the little rabbit cold. Those scro are going to pay for this...
Bang grins, "Thats a kill lads" however his smile quickly fades as he realizes what is happening, as all ships are being pulled down. "Ah fuck,...
Bang cackles as his shots strike true, the rail gun is proving to be a wildly successful prototype. Already he is calculating in his head what he...
Bang peers around, observing his surroundings. He sees a ship full of scro (ew) and.... gardens be praised! A SHIP OF METAL! shaped like a mantis...
against conventional damage a normal bastiliadon is really, really good but they're too slow to be anywhere meaningful unless you're using...
i demand an explanation for this, how did he attain such power and is it possible for me to attain it :D ?
It doesn't offer the range, the damage, or the volume that the solar engine does. Honestly the damage 2 of solar engine and the shoot twice...
you can actually make some solid punchy foot heroes, but in all honesty thats not why you take foot heroes. Hopefully GHB 2021 will correct some...
Bang grins the rail gun ready as he prepares to fire before he suddenly notices... "A BUTTERFLY!" Bang totally forgetting he has a high powered...
Anvil of Apotheosis is excellent for foot heroes, as they can be pumped up really well. I would say avoid mounts as they are overcosted and we...
Bang, the trees almost in sight chuckles as he continues to zoom. The goblins' aim is worse then the stench they release. As he does so Bang...
Bang, running towards the woods can audibly be heard shouting "oh shit oh shit oh shit"
bang, his materials gathered and assembled readies his fuse and throws it towards the center of the scro. he deosnt bother to check if it went off...
Bang pauses to consider his options for a moment, and then a grin spreads across his face as he fills a bag with sawdust and bits of metal scraps...