Bang continues to follow the half dragon, he suspects that this chunker has some importance to him. Or maybe he can knick the things lunch, that...
a new episode this week? count me in :D
on a 2+ that ludicrous damage gets turned into 1 damage that a shield drone can easily ignore :P
"Yeah fire should work, just let me add some fun sparkles and we should have a game plan" Bang responds
Bang's ominous grin returns "You guys have any good explosives, if so I can make a nice distraction." As he says this Bang reaches for his tool bag...
Bang's manic grin slides off his face "Ah shit, didn't think that far. Lets wait and see which one they go on. Then we can make some last minute plan"
Bang perks up "Alright morons we're going to get onto that ship and plant some explosives. no time to wait. Anyone who stays gets left behind, are...
Bang has made it back to the group and states "I honestly dont care what we do, so long as it isnt too stupid"
Honestly knights in koatls claw in any capacity are pretty scary, they pack a punch well above their weight if you spend a cp on them. That 8 inch...
serpent staff causes an additional mortal wound on a 6+ to wound. Adding +1 to that makes it a 5+, effectively doubling the mortal wounds a unit...
One question i have to think about, how many skinks if any are enough to screen out my battle line blob and important heroes? I know i also will...
Bang, his recon done slips out of the fortress slips back to the forest where is companions await
Alright lemme try and upload them[ATTACH][ATTACH]
35,000 messages legendary :D
Latest edition to the group is my y'varha. Saw these guys going out of stock with an ominous warning from gw so i picked one up [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Bang is startled, seeing the half dragon. Never knew such a thing existed he thinks. Bang continues to move, silent to a point that not even an...
Bang tells the rest of the group to wait up, he slips past them to examine the docks. The rodent is more silent then a cold winter day, not even...
the fact that the dread saurian is now 420 is confirmation that its a total meme. so use it :D
against a 3+ with rerolling ones thats some decent damage [IMG]