Bang takes the goods his crew desires to stow away the enemy vessel. As invisible as a shadow bang creeps through the ship, sliding past guards...
Bang grins. "Yus i can smuggle something fun in"
For such a durable amount of wounds that costs (relatively) little I could easily envision it seeing a significant amount of play, of course...
i feel like this trait will only be useful with a dread saurian, as the way most combat works with monsters in AoS, whoever gets the drop on the...
Other then the obvious "Needs more carnosaurs" I would say that the list is solid. The points drop for the dread saurian has made it.. somewhat...
Bang looks up from his most recent schematics as Shiro tells his story. "Daemons huh? Too meshianx daemons are utterly foreign, they can't poses...
indeed, the carnosaurs and saurus knights mulched through the enemy
first and foremost, kenobi. Im going to try to get the high ground so I will want him along. second, jar jar. The sound of his voice would make...
alright in case the images dont work
Bang grins "Great i will take 20." He then asks if he can rent a cart to help wheel the goods out
Bang waddles around the market to locate a blacksmith's store. When he finds one he enters and asks about the prices of steel ingots. "Hewo sir,...
[IMG] things started out fairly evenly, both sides lined up. A good first turn saw LoN move in, claim all 3 objectives, and gum up the seraphon,...
Oh yeah lol sry bout that
Alright the final battle, the forces of Koatls claw have been arrayed before the gates of New Lhamia. Battleplan: Shifting Objectives [SPOILER]...
Damn i need to finish my poem
Bang hears the words "blow up" and immediately perks up. His gaze swivels to the gnome "You can make explosives?" The grin on his face widens....
Honestly if the dread saurian goes down to 420 points, it will only be a confirmation of the fact that its a total meme. ALTHOUGH for 420 points...
Bang, too involved in the new bolt thrower pays little attention to the other crew "yeah yeah just pay what we need"
Save point, thats too good to pass up. My life could basically become skyrim. Cheat code as well is also incredible, unlimited warhammer...
Overall the salamander changes were expected, especially as so many people whined about it. however on the whole we have come off pretty well,...