Bang sees the goblets, and grins. He knows what he must do, diving off Drew's heads and slipping into the shadows, inching towards the every...
Bang nods as drakk informs the group about their summons. He finishes rummaging through the cabinets in search of cereal, climbs out and then hops...
Having a look over the realms, seems like a fun way to add some overall themes for our matches as right now the terrain itself feels like a non...
alright i should get to work on my entry
Alright been a while so here is the finished riptide![ATTACH][ATTACH]
Bang, with out much to do decides to head back to the ship, maybe he can find some more of that cereal he was enjoying so much.
you can push them up, but lack of caution means they could be damaged (the models). Personally i would move a few as lynchpins and move everyone...
It could, would make them around as mobile as saurus knights. Of course they will still be more clunky but the speed would help
Thought nobody would ask... the skink's name is Greg. He was pretty ordinary until he one day killed a skaven clan lord. However in the process...
the drone still has weapon skill 5+, but a strength 6 ap -2 damage d3 weapon
The issue with saurus warriors is that in hordes, they become slow and rather clunky, subject to shooting, and can be tied down before reaching...
Bang goes to the forge to order the spring and tube, paying for the spring upfront and promising the remaining 700 gp when the spring is completed.
Bang is pleased, a bag of platinum coins is good any day of the week. Now he just needs to figure out how to get the remaining funds necessary for...
Bang shocked that they actually paid him for the information goes to the oracles palace to cash in, considering how he should be able to finish...
Wow you guys arent as far behind as i thought. Well here are some design sketches of some fire arms we are using, they have advantages in multiple...
Bang grins "well see here. Everything about the weapon has something that can easily be improved. Lets start with the first and easiest part,...
Bang looking around Bang notices some guards with fire arms. He goes over to one, and politely taps on him saying "sir who is your commander in...
bang running around market is looking for the following green steel tube (8 inches in length) green steel spring some steel ingots 3 ballista...
Bang realizing the ship has touched down scampers down the crows nest and runs to port. He has a long list in hand. Noticing the dock master he...
Bang reads over the weapons list, this is something he can work with, with of course some modifications [IMG]