Seeing nothing for some time, Bang starts sketching a design for a new piece of ship artillery that could be useful in upcoming adventures
Will this matter for competitive play or narrative only?
As the ship lifts from Port, Bigbang scrambles up the mast and into the crows nest, looking around in the hopes that he can spot whatever is...
BigBang looks down at Drew, noticing a piece of cereal in Drew's beard. His hand flashes out causing Drew to jump, only to find some small fingers...
Bang, noticing most of his money is still on the table, uses those funds to deposit it in the communal funds, preferably for use in mechanics and...
Bang hearing the voices of his crewmates, leaps from the cabinet, showering the room in breakfast cereal. "WOO, LETS GO!" Bang declares in...
Probably coalesced, while the dread saurian is colossal and has a huge block of wounds to chew through, scaly skin helps improve that durability...
Bang still hiding away finds a box of "cereal" He nabs it and starts crunching away, and as he eats he peeks out for air and to see if anyone has...
mmm smells like weeb
Bang, hiding in a kichen cabinet has left 200gp on the table with two smaller notes, the smaller saying "Pay the dock master and fuck off" the...
Bigbang hurries onto the ship, hoping to avoid the wrathful dockmaster
Well only time can tell if these are actual changes. Hopefully they are real
So are these point leaks all the changes for seraphon?
Amazed that the whiskey survived, Bigbang hastily begins recollecting the hard tack. Once he nabs what he can see he returns to the rock and...
As the party moves through town they hear a rumbling, and from the crest of the hill Bang can be seen, rolling down on some barrels “GET OUT OF...
Bang, satisfied with the rations he’s acquired begins to roll them back towards the ship. He balances on them and rolls them down a hill, using...
Bang stocks up on rations he knows he will need.. whiskey, carrots and other essential supplies oh and also 2 barrels of hard tack and 2 barrels...
Bigbang is prioritizing metals and liquor, all parts of a balanced diet
Bigbang has an idea for goods, and states that he is going to get some of these trade goods. Going to the market Bigbang looks for items that...
Bigbang has his own ideas "we should call it lunch. its big, its useful and is edible. All of these can describe a healthy lunch"