Replacing the Allied Prime with a Bastiladon, as has been suggested, I make this summing 1940 points, so there's room to throw in a Razordon and...
Not the biggest, but I always liked the paint scheme on the gothdroth.
Good luck, Aginor! I bet it'll turn out great! After work today, I'll run to the shop and pick up my Skink Priest (assuming FedEx isn't being...
My April goal was to field fully painted Armies across the first three weeks of my shop's Spring AoS League (one of my May goals will be to field...
Those look awesome! And my wash spill was the purple one, Druchii Violet!
Yes--it's based largely on what I can have painted in time. Here's hoping! My scheduled opponent apparently usually runs Ironjawz. I'll know more...
Thanks for the comprehensive reply and analysis, @Joshua Horchler!
In much better news, the shop manager just contacted me with the news that my Week Two scheduled game is at 4:30 PM a week from tomorrow. So I...
As I'm painting up my first unit of three Ripperdactyls, I'm considering what to do with the unopened box containing a second unit of them (or...
My Skink Priest with Feathered Cloak isn't coming in until tomorrow, apparently, so there's a plan that didn't survive contact with the enemy. Or...
Having hit my word count goal for the day, I have just primed the ten Skinks I lacked in order to field a unit of 40 next week. Now I'm off to GW...
This is my final crack at this. The units/models are set because of my painting schedule. The only changes I can make at this point are to which...
Wow, that looks amazing! Thanks for the advice!
You mean kind of like the rubble the Ripperdactyl's elevation columns are set into, or the flagstone like features the Skink Starpriest is...
Good to know! So I just equip the Astrolith Bearer with an Artefact and forego any Command Traits?
I finished one Ripperdactyl and Rider, except for final basing treatments (waiting for texture paint to dry), and find I have a question for you...
Well, dang. When I jumped online to post the pictures immediately previous to this I checked my email and found a message from one of my editors...
Aaaar! I'll rip your face off! [ATTACH] I got tired of batch painting these guys and skipped a couple of steps ahead on one. I'm saving the Skink...
Digging a little deeper, it seems to me that any and all units with the "Saurus" and "Hero" keywords on their Warscrolls that are within 20" of...
I'm hardly an expert, but I think you can use Ancient Warlord any of the Melee Weapons listed on the model's own Warscroll. The reasons I say this...