Maybe down the road. I'm going to see what I can make myself for now. I'd love to see some pictures of yours, though, if you have any samples. Do...
I now have the glimmerings of an idea of how to make some using foam core and elements of the 2D and 3D cardstock terrain I sometimes make for RPGs.
The first big FAQ/Errata Document/Rules Update for the latest addition of 40K has landed. Details here.
Thanks for the suggestions! I haven't used magnets on anything yet. I'm also sitting here chuckling, trying to imagine a situation in which I...
Next week I'll be fielding a unit of 40 Skinks and I plan to use both Lords of Space and Time and their inherent high movement characteristic to...
Those look amazing! Great job!
I’m “traditionally published” so my in-print stuff is available wherever books are sold in the USA. Right now, that consists of three books....
Sure! I’m a freelance writer of science fiction and fantasy novels and stories for children and adults. I also do other types of freelance writing...
I wound up barely touching my paints yesterday—just wasn’t feeling it. I painted the rubble/rock features that my Ripperdactyls’ elevation columns...
My thoughts on Kroxigor are that mine are still half-built because I can't figure out how to fit their arms flush to their bodies in a paintable pose.
After considering the excellent advice I've been receiving over in the Seraphon Army Lists subforum, I've revised my 1000 point list in a way that...
Awesome! Thanks for starting the blog and good luck!
You’re definitely right about the Skinks and the maximum number of like-equipped models being 20 out of a pack of 24. Only so much room on those...
Okay, how about this for my 1000 point list instead? It would only require me to paint ten more Skinks and three Skink Handlers, and to paint the...
You know, that’s a pretty exciting idea. I could fold the ten Skinks into one of my two Battlelines and, at least possibly and briefly, enjoy the...
Hmm, not much. I basically only started painting my Seraphon army a couple of weeks ago with the advent of this League. Before that, all I had...
Here’s an attempt at a 1500 point list for Week Three of the Escalation League I’m playing in, which will use the Battlehost (2000 point) rules....
Thanks so much, Aginor! At this point I’ve built and painted myself into a commitment to this list, I think, so I guess I’ll just hope for...
Mid-month check in! I did get my 500 point army painted in time (and won the game!), and have started on my 1000 point army. For it, I have my...
After I’m finished with paying work today (something I must admit I’ve been neglecting in favor of painting), I’m going to try to batch paint my...