Welcome to this great community!
I've taken a quicken lookover of the models I have remaining. I guess the first thing I'm going to do is batch paint the Rippers.
Yes, sir! Let's see if I do this link right. So, My Painting Blog, The Journey Starts....
Here's the thousand point army I plan to run next week. As you can see, I've left the hardest models to paint (I'm guessing) for last. [ATTACH]
Thank you, Tom!
Got my Skink Starpriest mostly painted. Just a couple of things to do to the base treatment. Tomorrow the heavy lifting starts--bigger models than...
This model didn't turn out as well as I would have liked, but I'm trying to get a lot of figures painted this week. I don't think it looks bad,...
Today I'm going to have a go at painting my Skink Starpriest. When I originally built and primed this model, lo these many moons ago, I had big...
I like my Saurus Eternity Warden a lot, but this guy is giving him a strong running for my personal favorite among the models I've painted since I...
I based these guys schemes off my Razordon and Salamander. I figure there are different castes of Skinks who do different things and who each have...
Got my Skink Handlers painted and while I may go on to do my Blot Toad I might be about hobbied out for the day. I have seven models to paint...
Skink Handlers done except for final basing details (shading, highlighting with a "dry" paint, and application of grass tufts), which has to wait...
Thank you both very much!
Now that I've had a taste of winning, I'm looking forward to the thousand point week in my shop's Escalation League, starting next Friday. My...
Looks grand! Welcome back!
Today I'm going to finish painting the three Skink Handlers I started yesterday at the shop, paint my Blot Toad, and work up the paint scheme and...
Y'know, I wrote this up from memory (I didn't take any notes, which I'll try to do next time), and now that I look more carefully at those...
This afternoon I played my Week One Battle for my local Games Workshop store’s four-week Age of Sigmar Escalation League, which consists of one...
Holy smokes. I just won my first ever Age of Sigmar game! Against Skaven. Battle Report to follow in the appropriate forum! Edit to add: It was...
Not in a unit of 40, though right? Because I mistakenly built my Warriors splitting them between Clubs and Spears, so the twelve new ones in the...