No problem. I can't keep track of all this stuff without extensive notes and printed out Warscrolls, and even then I keep making crucial mistakes...
Maybe it's me that's missing something, but I thought Lords of Space and Time was an allegiance-dependent Battle Trait, while Inspiring Presence...
With two exceptions (both Behemoths, the Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur and the Engine of the Gods), I can now field at least one unit of every...
As an update, the Skink Priest with Feathered Cloak is now available again at the USA GW website and I successfully ordered one this morning.
I absolutely will!
Today I'm going to spend all afternoon at the game shop, where I'll paint three Skink Handlers and, if anyone else is available, play a 500 point...
Got the Starseer built and primed, and also primed my Ripperdactyls. I now have the ten models I need for my thousand point army ready for...
The shop manager has posted her card draws for Week One on Facebook. The deployment is caddy-corner. The objective is War of Attrition, which is...
Started on work for my thousand point army. So far I’ve filled in some gaps on the bases of my Skink Handlers with Green Stuff and given the...
My local Games Workshop location is hosting a four-week Age of Sigmar Escalation League starting tomorrow and my outsized goal is to have a fully...
Base coating has begun on my last five Skinks. Taking a pizza break, and then I shall push on and finish them before bedtime!
Now, setting aside the five Skinks left to do for Week One (500 points) of our Escalation League--which I will paint tonight--I'm on to thinking...
Thank you! Actually, I do paint the edges of the bases, in Macragge Blue, a dark blue edging toward violet. Do you think I should choose a...
My 500 point army (less five Skinks in process) in their ready room in Azyr, awaiting transport to the Mortal Realms for battle. [ATTACH]
Five more done this morning, except for basing treatments. Three hours! Which beats my best time on a Skink Set by over an hour. I may do five...
I painted five more Skinks this morning, and will probably paint five more tonight, finishing up the 500 point army for the first week of my local...
Skinksapalooza Day Two was simultaneously a wash and a rousing success. A wash because, owing to time restraints, I painted zero new Skinks. A...
Goodness. At least their Bravery and Saves aren't off the charts. But the article talks about all this synergy with army and hero abilities these...
Right now I think my favorite era and place in history to read about is what is now the Southeastern United States from the earliest human...