Yes, sir. Lexington, Kentucky. Where the local Games Workshop location (people find this amusing sometimes) is Games Workshop Man o' War. It's...
When I change my ship-to to a UK address, a lot more stuff shows as available, so it's not that the models aren't out there, it's just that...
I wasn't aware of this extraordinarily generous gesture. Thank you so much @The Red Devil !
Amazing. Is that where you live or are you visiting?
Goodness, what a gorgeous place! Where are you?
Skinksapalooza Day Two begins! I met my Day One goal of completing six models. The Day Two goal is also six models, and will be much tougher to...
I'm planning on one epic seven Skink day! (Besides, I have an emergency backup plan, see my painting blog in a few minutes for details.)
Yesterday I painted six Skinks. Today I plan to...paint six Skinks.
Congratulations! And thanks for the reports!
I think that as of this posting time just about every resin model in the Seraphon line (except for the Kroxigor and the hybrid plastic/resin...
I think Lovecraft's inventions were the Deep Ones, not Deepkin. And while Lovecraft is pretty much all in the public domain anyway, GW is of...
Hopefully this isn't too gauche to share here, but my debut short fiction collection from last year, Telling the Map, has been shortlisted for a...
Thank you! Who's to say whether my need to manage every tiny little detail to the Nth degree stays in play as I paint more models. I already skip...
Here’s my paint station set up for the Four Day Skinksapalooza I’ve got planned. I’ve got my brushes, paints for the first step (base coating),...
I definitely have SKILL issues, but no motor skill issues, no. Heh. I described my process in a post upthread, which I adapted more or less...
Thanks for the vote of confidence, Lord-Marcus! And thank you, Nightbringer, for yours as well. I think my method may be the opposite of speed...
[ATTACH] Thanks, everyone! I'm on this painting jag, as mentioned upthread, because of an upcoming escalation league at the local Games Workshop...
And at last, it's all over but the base treatments. Here's the unit, and a shot of my favorite of the five. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Roughly halfway through the layering and edging process. The drummer and the icon bearer are done except for base effects. I'm a little...
Now on to layering and edging, in which steps I practice my fine motor skills and try to cover up the multitude of sins I've committed detail wise...