Looks like the lord of Salamanders
Woah some very sexy models
What models are the bottom ones?
We should all sign up to a SMS text service so that in future we can be prompted that we've made things complicated and that the rest of us have...
External services....? come on guys... why you do this
It looks like a Tauren Bee but very phunny and nice picture... Edit...I mean P -honey
@Rokanos finally got a Display Picture :D
I ...urh....left my stick in the woods....you go first...
If enough of us prod @The Red Devil with pointy sticks he may release it early - or we could anger him and cause a catastrophic reaction...
I have a feeling I'll be waiting till the American Timezone is the 5th? though I Could be wrong
I'm almost as excited as I am when Lizardmas comes around
I really like the red/orange skink priest it has a molten feel to it - jealous of the colour scheme
I'm really not great at painting so I don't know what the future holds for my miniatures being painted - might get it commissioned sometime I guess :)
SlanntaClause only recognises over 9000 - he is harsh like this - sorry @NIGHTBRINGER
The second update is great news I have found my perfect SlanntaClause Avatar - whether or not this will stop me converting a Slann into one...
So I have two updates - the first being 2 more mage priests arrived unfortunately broken despite being well packaged. And it had a dead woodlouse...
Is time going slow for anyone else? It feels kinda wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff to me at the moment
I think the 5th has been a date mentioned around here but not sure for certain
I'm about to burst waiting to see what everyone's come up with
Ah with the golden serpent I completely forgot about this -.- i'll read these and vote soon