1vs1 me @Crowsfoot
Do we have an up to date numbers count for entries made by the original deadline? it'll be interesting to see how it compares to the 17? mentioned...
Submitted my painting entry :)
So my bigger dinosaurs were cluttering up the shelf so I arranged a little scene for afew of the smaller ones - this is one step closer to using...
Walking with dinosaurs - picked up 3 dinosaur toys from Poundland to convert to look more Lizardmen like [ATTACH]
You can re-submit then through my account if you wish - I will take full credit for the photos and painting - sounds fair right ;)? - I'm sure...
Also this is how a 52% 48% split should be handled - take note UK ;)
The old ones have spoken
You sir have just earnt respect +1 congratulations - I'll update the main list with these soon :) Edit - the corpse dinosaurs are awesome for...
Was going to post this in the golden serpent thread but it seems relevant here - the night I finished my conversion I left it on the bed and my...
What to do when your best model breaks? Walk aimlessly into the wilderness and roam the forests seeking the true meaning of life - occasionally...
I'd say about 5 entries per category per teir to make it a good choice of entrants to chose from - and then less for the master teir maybe 3-4...
It didn't have that option any more on mine or my brothers Ebay I don't know if brexit has changed all that for us :P but it gave option of...
yeah the month extra seems a long time - if the next one (next year) can learn from this that could be set as an initial longer one It seems...
I think because of the competitive nature @Iskander may be right - last minute entries may soar as people try to perfect their entries in the...
Sounds reasonably sized to me - I'd a low it as the category is painting so it will be judged on skills used and techniques and personal tastes so...
this is an interesting question - I can see why there might be a restricition on it depeding on the size and use of the model - do you mean like a...
Goodl uck with armies on parade I assume its a painting competition of a full army or something? - you'll do well no doubt. For single model...
I like the anonymity it helps remove prejudice voting - but it is a pain when you're eager to show people what you're up to
Yeah you can pretty much use any model to represent your figures - so long as your opponent is aware and agrees to the proxy - Most people should...