I'm voting yes - If I knew what I was doing and or was good at painting I think the original deadline was sufficient all in I could complete a...
Updated the listing
Oh I guess I didn't tick the option if you wanna buy it for sure ill go alter it but the postage price to USA I'm unsure of shall I Change it for you?
Conversion entry submitted :D - I don't think 6 pictures was enough but just my opinion for my personal model - the original 3 would have killed it :P
"Finished" my conversion - I got my brother to take some pictures and will submit it tonight - :D
Nice :D thanks man
I've never got the box set of them so i'm not sure - When the box set has a / it tends to mean you make either or but not both. [ATTACH] "What...
Oh then I missed your point :P sorry for that my fault entirely - It was hard to get hold of the two I have I'm sad to be selling it but I've put...
Yeah but that is start bid auction and someone might want to paint and convert their own - besides i'm accepting offers as well but I know you're...
and so you should be :)
Thanks :) - Me too I play MTG with my brothers from time to time Its a really involved card game with lots of variety
Well I've got a second if I need the money I can sell you that one if someone else takes that - only thing is the thing I'm hoping to win ends...
Oh I see what I did maybe its late here :P - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/252474158751?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
Well I'm hoping to win some MTG cards so need the money and since I have two selling one seemed the best option - I guess the money depends on how...
Thanks I'm selling my FW Slann if you're interested might even end up having to sell both - sadface
You'll need some rule books to view their stats or you can probably find the information online possibly with the right searches - It sounds like...
So your general is always your model with the highest leadership value so if you had a slann it would have to be the general but you can play...
You always chose your highest leadership model as your general so you could run him as your army leader and make him into something special :)
Urhm - that I'm not 100% sure of why but the rulebook I have open at the moment says A skink unit size is 10+ - and they have the upgrade ability...