I would only combine them if there was some comps that deny more than 2x same rare choise. IMO 4 Sallies are better in 4 different units than...
that sucks really hard.
continues.. Saurus warriors: I run Slann in these, are pretty solid with Stubborn. Specials: Chameleons are awesome, I need second unit of...
Up we go. I had my first 8th edition game couple of days ago. Watchtower scenario vs Dwarfs (anvil, bsb, 2 big blocks of warriors, one unit of...
Lords: 22% Slann 530pts bsb Rumination, All spells, MR3 Ethereal Crown of Commandment (stubborn) Cupped Hands life/light, beast or fire Heroes...
I'd drop spears from saurus warrriors, spears are more effective than HW+ shield only if unit is 20+ models strong imho
doh, I totally forgot Slanns 4+ Ward
I'd drop Soul of Stone and take cupped hands instead. New miscast table is damn brutal. And maybe take MR3 instead of Becalmig cogitation. 4+ ward...
Yeah, but many thigs have been FAQ'd differently in 8th. I cant remember If AoD was warmachine. warmachines allways fail their I test, so I...
Dont even try to kill it, it's impossible. Try to get some 2-4 wounds throught its armour, then it isnt that dangerous anymore
Well, since Slann isnt mounted (ie. cavalry model or what they are called in 8th), and it is classed as infantry in 8th rulebook, and there isnt...
I used it a lot in 7th ed, and will use a lot in 8th. Kills wraiths and vargulfs
Only the carno gains extra attack due frenzy