Black and white are better than GWs, Fiery Orange (or something like that) is too wetty IMHO
Warmachine crew cannot be stomped
give bsb to your slann, drop plaque of 2+ ward and take dragonbanegem (you get LoS! roll when you are in TG, 2+ ranged ward isnt needed) Focused...
Stewart, how about little game called drunken chatboxing. I'm in if you are. I think we'll have to deside the time of the day ,which is ok for...
Depending on over 9000 things if I can come
Light always over life, helps a lot more against shooty armies.
Commando, or Conan. Arnolds hilarious speeches. Beavis and Butthead Do America is also a good one
Wellcome back WS10 ghouls, I missed you already.
Yes you can, if other slann has Focus of Mystery
try to get big block of saurus/skinks on it. Other than that, metalls signature rapes stank, but you dont really want to use LoMetal with slann
I've been using that, works well. Not in a tournament list, but in a friendly game. I wouldnt charge it into the Deathstar unit, cause it can...
Scenarios: 1. Blood and glory, 1,6k+1,2k vs 1,6k+1,2k & 2kvs2k 2. Meeting Engagement 2k vs 1,6k+1,2k 3.Battleline 1,6k vs 1,6k & 2k+1,2k vs...
D'oh. I read that Power dices must be split equally between casters, not armies. Thanks for pointing that out
Beastmen player is going to drop the lvl1, so that means If I am playing with him, I can spend all the power dices :bored: . Going with PoTeapot...
AFter few dice rolls, I think I'll try LoFire at next testgame. Definatelly dropping PoTeapot, maybe Channeling Staff/ Banner of +1M instead
20pts for having +2 AS and ItP isnt too bad. Ok, he wont get Look Out Sir!, but I can hide him as long as cannons live. Yeah, I'v been thinking...
Not really, only if I and Delfs are playing at the same time, Games wont be 3vs3, but 2vs2 and 1vs1 My list, If you like to know
Beastmen (1200pts) are taking lvl1 with beast, Delfs (2k) are taking lvl1 metal and lvl4 shadows
good point. Any love for LoFire?
I dont like life, having only 2 spells worth dispelling. Also, My list dont have heroes on foot, and only couple multiwound things (2 salas, scar...