Hi all! I am attending in a team tournament held in next month. Each team has 3 players with 2k, 1600pts and 1200pts armies. Other armies are...
Well you can always deploy slann in a unit, and after cannons are gone you can leave the unit. Lol, I didnt even notice that skink chief.
How did it end? I played against him last fall in Turku Fanatic and lost 16-4, delfs are worst match up for me. Pretty "hard landing" when first...
Drop 2 terradons, take another unit of Chameleons. Drop Stalker. Change Focused Rumination for All spells. Take banner of +1M for slann as he is...
Happy Hangover day... I mean New Year! I'll never drink again. Who Am I kidding
Warmachines are so good nowadays that Stegas arent that great anymore. But if you run slann with Life they are a good option
No they dont need, I think this Question was in FAQ.
IMO Dual Slann is one of the hardest build possible for lizzies, nearly OP. One Slann in TG box with Life, another with dead, so you gain Power...
I wouldnt say Lizards are OP. They have few hard builds, but they aint OP. Helfs w/ BoH are OP, Power scroll is OP. Mortars are OP.
I'd Drop Stega and make your Boxes larger (35+) I think you'd like to have some jungle swarms so that your Tehenhanuin gets look out sir!
If it is supposed to be just a normal mount, why didnt they Errata it's profile on the page where all Lizzies mounts are listed? And it' still...
Finland! \o
Had 3 practise games, the small tournament had only 5 players (me included) se we just played agaisnt each others. First game vs Delfs, hydra,...
Should GW playtest things before releasing, or let players playtest rules etc, as Privateer Press did with Hordes/ WM Mk II rules, who knows how...
I would have used lore of light with slann, Life its too defensive lore IMO. Life has only 2 spells that enemy wants to dispell (dwellurz, +4T)
for 20pts you get ItP, and +2 to your armour save. If you fear failing stupidity check, just make him bsb, and he is still less than 250pts I
8th edition was purely released because need to make more money, not because of OP armybooks released during 7th, not because it would make the...
Scar vet Armour of Destiny GW Cold one T5 1+ save, 4+ ward. 4 S7 attacks+ 1 S4 Attack or if you want magical attacks, take 5+ warded heavy...
"If you want a game that is fair and that will give many opponents an (close to) equal chanse to win a series of matches with the same army in a...
Btw, did you notice that cannon has a chariot base? that means that if you get unit close enough the cannon, it cant pivot in that direction,...