Well, you must be really dump thiking that you can undo failed monster reaction test. I dont believe even GW gives us such retarted answer when...
No, dryads and other Forest Spirits (Treekin, Treemen etc) have 5+ ward vs. mundane attacks
Dryads arent flammable if you meant that. and they do get their 5+ ward vs sallies fire
Or, you regrowth only sallies lost wounds, ignoring handles p.73 on small rulebook "... We ignore them for most gaming purposes, treating the...
or do you have 6th ed book?
I am not amused that you guys play it that way :rolleyes:. Negating Monster reaction by regrowthing handlers, give me a break. How can you heal...
Dont. Mix. Fluff. And. Rules.
you cant kill them with spells, so why you would be able to heal them with spells?
Stegas skinks can hit and can be hitten, handlers can only hit, otherwise they are ignored They are just 5+ ward counters. If they were wound...
you cant choose to hit them, so I'd say you cant choose to regrowth them either
Handlers arent really wound counters (as warmachines crew are) and they are ignored in most gaming purposes
I would say no, since handlers are ignored in "most gaming purposes"
All lizardmen special characters suck. Thorek, Skulltaker, Kairos, Masque, Teclis etc. are pretty hard SCs
It was FAQ'd, now it restores wounds, not models
yes, all ranks are counted, so if you have 5 infantry models (5 wide) you would be steadfast vs hydra and such
Slann w/ magical carpet wasnt stupid. There was nothing that forbid him taking the carpet. Hopefully GW FAQ's Stank, there seems to be a huge...
But crew members are just wound tokens, nothing more.
Yes, you just choose in which order you'd be using them
Well, no one isnt using jabberslythe in 8th, it's pure crap atm. O&G wont take Giants in 8th, it's just free points to enemy. IMO Trolls and...
Not really IMHO. Beasts get 0-2 spawns (2 in 1 slot) and Big Beastis, I doubt anyone would take douple rare monsters in any beast army. Douple...