This revision is good, but my 1 thing which i don't do is give my army general the BSB, i think its just better to spread them out. If you do...
incidently, he did take 5 Blood Knights, accompanied by Vamp with blooddrinker... I was worried about the low movement of the amy, but it turned...
So what now? Do we wait for night for someone to get killed? THen just try to figure out who?
What he said.
Another good thing about fantasy vs 40K (I myslef have just converted with Lizzies, and soon as i can WoC,) is that your oponents shouldn't know...
Sounds good. I can't wait, i love chamelion Skinks, and a character for them would be awesome. Keep it up.
Well, we're about to have the game so i'll do this. Remove the plaque of protection, TG banner, venom, 4 skinks, dispell scroll, add in enough...
(Bump) Sorry about that, but the game is today, and i really need some advice on this list. Also, say i wanted to make a 2000 points list for the...
Yes, i've sarted thinking about trying my hand at a specific Lizardmen terrain, i've been thinking (seeing as i really want to use the Jungle...
They also got +1 I. I do definatly miss spawnings. It'd suck if someone themed an army with it, after the poor ocupants of the sunken city.......
I'd be fielding 20 TG if i had the points. Reason? Thats 6 in the fron, 4 on each side of the Slann (in both ranks he's in) and then another rank...
If only you were looking at my list. Although my unitwas 22 with 2 kroxigor.... Back OT: List looks quite good, and honestly, not much (if...
thesecondman, Saurus with spears are really good, but if you can't find the points, HWs are fine, especially as they get you that nice 3+ save....
I definatly agree, about the DE ones look cooler and our ones look fat (not to mention that they suffer from the "baby model syndrome" as...
Hello. This is the second list i've scribed up, for killing vamps. As the title suggests im not entirly sure about it due to the entoxicating...
Thanks for the detailed reply. I just wrote a list up specifically for killing the VC menace so that'll be in army lists very soon. That other...
Hello. I will be having a game against vampire counts on the weekend. I am here asking what i should do, use (ie: lores, units etc)? I have got...
Baring that in mind, i'm doing it, if you want me.
Sounds good, you'll have to put some pics up soon though ;) Also, what about the stegadons?
Its not, it was in answer to snowy's dislike of the facial sculpts, and a reply to circumventing using heroes.