I know about circumventing, actually i thought it'd be cool to make an army of trolls for WoC... I really want to, like 4 units trolls and then...
I won't be vsing them either (thank God). I'll actually be the one using them if any (i just got up 1 day and though "wow, WoC are pretty cool").
And good fluff... again. Nice, a Brave, Champion Killer. About the never shy from a challenge, what if it was a Chaos Lord who'd been shewing up...
I always do... *hangs head in shame* Anyway, AWESOME! army, great work, i especiallylike the skinks and the Steg. Now you've got me torn between...
Im glad i amuse =D I am definatly one of those people who thinks he should be used in a game of massive proportions.
Wow.... those LM look fantatic! I wonder if the old ones pay attention to them...or if they have spawningpools that function.... Thanks for the...
Actually, remember, Elfs get extra special so they can be an "elite" force (ie: lots and LOTS of swords master of Hoeth to KO us all.)
Yeah, very different like, mono-god daemon lists absolutly suck in 40K, unless they're Tzeentch. Only other thing i'd like to say is: GW... smart?...
I would like to agree with a few things, Champions should go, and a Skink chief with stego war-spear is just AWESOME. You should trade champs for...
Go to your army list section of you LM Army Book, flip back some pages and look at each of the pages. Im pretty sure its the one right after the...
Wow, 2 posts in 1 day, i feel lucky! Yeah, but i was thinking that something'd have to adapt... OMG i just got an awesome idea, underwater jungle...
Though i agree that he has power BUT i would say that a 3+ save can't get you very far just by itself, especially since now Slann are T4. Also, if...
Its the bottom of page 38, in the history section... unfortunatly (Caution SPOILER) the Scorcerors bombed it with a comet... although it was only...
HA! You admitted you're picking on me :p. Now i know that they'd have a better S#strength value, and now that i think about it, when they're also...
Nice fluff. But why does the champion of Sotek have another gods sig. weapon? I know there is no Soteck-specific weapon.... but it just seems...
Its good you get my point... And good point with the Slann. Wow, you know we're nerds when we refer to star trek. (Meant to be a joke, NOT a...
Can't wait, i love fluff people write.
If you want to kit him to be a challenge monster, give him the Burning Blade of Chotec as well, with his S5 -4 to AS? Yes please.
I meant that they're not as mentally agile, you know, not too many emotion (besides the one that makes Khorne proud). I think that bit is good...
Nice fluff, although the last one has abit too much stereotyped stuff in it (ie: longbeared, the pirate. No offense intended, its just be done to...