That's just Saurus, the skinks and Kroxigor can go else where, howeer the Saurus have a strong bond of kinship. This explains why skinks can goad...
I don't meant to crush ideas, just to shed light on the Eldar... or something.... To paragrah 1: I strongly disagree with this theroy because i...
Does anyone know what actually happened to the sunken city when it sunk? And about its populace? I know lots were killed in the tsunami-like wave...
It was inended as more of a joke, i've changed it to wink now, hoping it'll come out like that... The above statement sms them up quite abit...
I will, when i finally get some money.
I wouldn't adise getting rid of the venom, some people do field wraiths en masse so if there is a lack of magical attacks they'll wander around...
Its ok, if its glued, its glued. That actually seems like a very good idea... you'll have to tell us how it goes.
Well, im glad i summed up something correctly... i'm just sad that it didn't persuade you... ;)
Yeah, i was going to use that, but i thought that it abit too common, and i either want to make my iown special blue mix or make then not blue...
So, i suppose it could be said that their effectivness is in numbers (which, admittadly at 45 pts per base, are a bit pricey) and against certain...
Looks good to me, just 1 nit pick. Doesn't having the diadem kind of contradict the plaque of Tepok? I mean, one converts PD and one give you a...
Dettol O_o?!? Random, how'd you come across that? I've heard about brake fluid but im 14... and i don't even know if we have any. Ah... well,...
They'd have to be a barbarian :D And don't get me started on dorks, i make my friend laugh because (and i quote) "you're so dorky" :shifty: I...
Ok, now, how would i go about stripping the models? And will do, thanks. Just a quick question on undercoating; do you actually need it from the...
Hello, I have got some lizardmen stuff, and want to paint the Saurus. While i am a goodish gamer and builder, i must say, i am the worst...
Hehe... i always do. And im sorry to say, but that's not such an accurae telling of cannons to giant lizards.... this is: :beaver:
Greetings. Well, i must say, this looks like a rather solid list. After the tournament, please, tell me how the unit of Kroxigors went... i've...
Thanks, and to make you think even more high of it, they are all blowpipe skinks. ^_^ Skirmishers automaticlly have blowpipes.
Again, i think you shuld change the additional hand weapon for a shield, and really, i don't think the Glyph necklace is THAT good, you could...
It will fail in compaison to yours, but i might have diagrans :p But it wont be for ages, probably like 4 weeks to have the battle, and another 1...