Now all i need to do is actually have the battle with a slaan and thn i can tell you how it goes.... maybe make a BR..... But that's wnt be for...
So, terradons are good? I thought they might be, but though seeing as they're ALOT weaker in CC now, and drop rocks can only be so reliable. But i...
So the ranged ones, for killing war machines and the defensive one?
Thanks :) Also, it'd do well to listen to Barotok, he really knows his stuff. And yeah... abut the skinks, if you want an actual CC unit, you'll...
Ah... good to see yu're not bias :) Diagrams would be good, but how accurate could you make them? Hmmm.... maybe i'll write a battle repot for...
Yes, he can cast it over and over, but whatch out for the forget spell miscast result, and Dwarfs with the Rune of Spell breaking... that's a real...
Well, i sort of count the EoTG as part of their own lore... Just a little.....
I'll leave a more detailed post later, but for now, i'd say take a scar-vet, saurus blocks should be 15 or 18, preferable with spears. Terradons,...
That's why i had "whole lore" in brackets ^_^. Any who... anything wlse i should know magic wise against empire? What spells would i want if i...
Well, it looks OK to me, but i don't have much experience (let alone with a mostly skink army.) Id say you could drop the venom on the oldblood,...
Well, i can pick one illegallity, the hide of the cold ones can only be used on an unmounted Saurus model.
So, in conclusion, lore of metal (whole lore,) +1 PD and cupped hands?
Let me be the first to say, Welcome! I think 1 thing you may want to change is the level 2 on the diadem priest, as if you use it, he'll only...
Well, i can show you a LotOO (that's lore of the old ones) that's a wip if yod'd like.
Wow, love the detail here man, much better then the ones GW is making, my only question is, where's the diagrams? :P Really, love this battle,...
Well, the diadem is the reason i use the +1 PD thing, to compensate.... maybe i could chuck it onto a skink priest or something..... Also, seeing...
Yeha, that's been one of the only things that's stopped me using them in a 7th list so far; the cost. Ah... that makes sense, we're getting...
Oh yeah... definatly never playing a game with no terrain again. Thank for the help.
By wounds what do you mean? Im sure you'll get to try this before i do, so can you please let me know how the battle goes, what the scenario rules...
Wow, i never thought about it like that. I'll try the 18 saurus then.... that sounds like a very... annoying thing to do... for the opponent. I...