Atleast i answered the question about Tiktaq'to.... But yes, as its been said, this army will get beaten (rather easily) vs other chese...
This is so very true, and also a very good idea. Also, you canbe an absolute ass like the guys in the LM release WD battle did, and made an uber...
This was my first thought and am still thinking about it, because of its complete and total ass-ness to heavily armoured things, and for the first...
Thanks for all the advice. Sorry for getting all picky, but can you say which lore you think is best, and which spells i should be going for? Or...
Ummmm, first off, he dropped 625 points, he also has less toughness etc. Over a normal slaan, only if you know you can protect him and if your...
Kroq-Gar is pretty useful, only problem is, he is over 600 points, in a 2000 list, that's too much, sure, he allows you to use 1 unit of Saurus...
But you don't always get the picture perfect contact (infac, rom what i've seen, normally you don't.) As soon as lizards get archers, i'll use...
Not too tricky, i just thought, what if the blowpipes got (oh, i just realised ou need to arm swap for this, but other then what, it works... i...
Sorry for getting post happy... But, im no touney player and would only use them for the idea.... or in some themed game (with a house rule......
Ok, here is the new list considering recent posts (not flying charm this time... don't have the slots...) Heroes: Skink Cheif, Terradon, light...
Well, the topic is now posted and has advice on it, the chief is mainly there to reflec any MM fire that comes their way. Those dwarfs were mad,...
@Revered_Guardian: I didn't want to take a lord because i keep spending way too many points on them (about 4-500,) and if its an oldblood ( on...
Hello, i will be having a game against my friend who will be using empire. I was wondering, shoul d i take a Slaan what spells should i be aiming...
Honestly, im our Gaming Group, i think you'd be allowed, i personally, think its a really good idea and was thinking of doing it myself..... I...
Hello, sorry if a topic like this has been posted, but i really want to know. What are you guy(s) and girl(s) opinions on jungle swarms? I...
It looks pretty good, but what, may i ask, are the terradons going to be used for? 3 unis of 3 just seems a little odd.... @strewart: Im...
Ok, so, this is my first Army List for my Lizardmen that I am actually going to use, it'll be against a friend and i can interchange models etc....
Yeah, he just gave me a vauge idea of what shooting things he had (becaue my first 2 750 games were lost to Dwarfs with a Grudge thrower, like 15...
I just meant the one character, even though i'm a noob, i had my Army book since last ed, i was actually about to start a collection ages ago, and...
Hi gus, im new to warhammer and soon going to have a 2000 point game, and my oponent dropped a sort of hint saying "hero hammer is unfair." I...