I think it's more of an sce thing than an everyone thing, but maybe. I'd rather seraphon doesn't become just an efficient warscroll army tho.
Will depend massively on the TO and what they decide to do. I haven't heard of any that are a hard no.
Nah ment starpriest for the mortals. Starseer could work too, same idea just different execution. Sounds like you're digging the vibe of your...
Fortunately (or unfortunately if you wanted to use an alpha beast battalion) this isn't true! Behemoth isn't a keyword, its a battlefield role and...
Personally I always think choosing a general that doesnt give you the d3 summoning points is a mistake, but thats just me. I think in terms of 1...
Vhordrai does godly damage on the charge. Such a beast.
Oh I'm gonna play it RAW for sure, it's just a curious question to me. I like to think about the reasoning behind some rulings and I just can't...
I totally get that but functionally it's all the same. The fyreslayers bodyguard rule in practice is no different than any other bodyguard rule....
My question is just why make this weird specification where only the fyreslayers bodyguard save doesn't work? What's the point?
Morathi actually has a rule where she just maxes the 3 wounds she can take per turn instead of dying. Because of course she does :(
He's absolutely good, just probably not the most competitive option if you're goal is to 5-0 tournaments. Unless you are actively participating...
Great question! Your example is spot on i'd say. You're underestimating your damage and not relying on "average" rolls. you need to do 30 wounds...
I think I'm 2.0 ten works better but 5 are still gonna hit hard and sets you up for a better 3.0 list whenever you and your play group start...
Sounds like you have enough stuff there to pull together a nice consistent list you can get reps down with. If you like coalesced and saurus...
Its a complicated game that requires a ton of reps to even get somewhat decent at so no harm in that. I've personally found finding a decentish...
I've generally found when you are struggling with "habitually poor dice rolling" that you're making too risky decisions. Dice are what dice are,...
Hey man, I think you're spot on in your general assessment of phoenix guard. I haven't personally used them as i've never dabbled too much in...
Summoning is a compliment and a useful toolbox for the army. Unfortunately we aren't really set up to be able to pour our entire strategy into it,...
I think "well within reason" is still overselling it quite a bit. The snakes also have a shrug. It's a fun thought experiment but you should never...
No worries dude, I totally know the feeling. I use https://aos-statshammer.herokuapp.com to check stuff like that. I coulda put the numbers in...