Then it can also be cast through spell portal. And I think "endless spells can't be affected by abilities" is ambiguous enough to refer to both...
I personally wouldn't play endless spells as getting the range increase. 19.3 makes it pretty clear endless spells can't be affected by abilities...
can only go off whats in front of you, and i think the way it's worded at the moment is relatively clear in its meaning. You shouldn't have any...
I'm not sure what you mean. I don't know if an official ruling exists that says a unit that doesnt receive the benefit of an ability is somehow...
Yes you can. Assuming the first attempt didn't go off, you are free to try again. You're free to try a million times (assuming a million priests)...
Celestial harmony, bind endless spell, tide of snakes. honestly most of the lore is pretty good.
This. Unique characters do not have access to the universal spell lores.
Pretty small thing, but i would give arcane tome to your skink priest so you can pick up an additional skink spell. Flaming weapon isn't doing...
You are correct, you get 1 free spell from a lore that wizard has access too. So you could give a slann flaming weapon or levitate, but you would...
Just to add on to what @xoid said, this faq is actually not new and is copy and pasted from our 2.0 faq. It was included because without it, the...
Salamanders haven't had artillery since the new book came out.
And because people blatantly try their hardest to circumvent issues that are solved by applying just a little bit of common sense. Its always...
I don't necessarily agree or disagree. Seraphon are still extremely efficient and don't need a ton of spellcasting help. I think they certainly...
So Kroak would gain whichever keyword based on the allegiance you choose. None of the warscrolls have an allegiance keyword on them, it's always...
Unfortunately realm of battle rules no longer exist so you would no longer get this benefit.
Designers commentary doesn't change rules. It no longer existing is irrelevant to the way the rule should be played. The language describing...
Faqs don't change rules. So it not existing doesn't change how the rule would be played.
Unfortunately that clarification was in designers commentary not the errata. Designers commentary don't change rules just clarify intent...
GW for whatever reason separates mortals and regular damage quite a bit. There wasn't really an explanation with the original designers commentary.
This language is identical to how it was in 2.0. The faq isn't an errata so it no longer existing is irrelevant to how we should be playing this...