Something like that would also work :) I find attaching arbitrary measurements to things with no standardization of use to not be super effective,...
I personally don't think it belongs in AOS unless you change its base size. It's base is so large it's extremely cumbersome to use and requires...
Stegadons are simply too expensive when compared with a carnosaur IMO. Biggest advantage is that they can fill the "behemoth that's not a leader"...
Kroak is doing the casting, it is then cast and measured from the skink wizard. The AB would need to be within 12 of Kroak for any of it's effects...
I'm sure it's more of GWs general philosophy with the articles vs the writer not knowing. Jack Armstrong is a ridiculously good seraphon player....
Definitely, can't say I'd get it now if I was in the market but I picked it up when I started the hobby :)
I use the old metal model, I actually kind of love it haha.
Unfortunately parting shot specifies "fangs of sotek hero" so would require a fangs of sotek hero to use. Unless it gets faq'd or changed.
Wow, you're totally right i completely missed the sentence directly before the two sentences i quoted to you. That's my bad man, and a big bummer...
Your general can issue more than a single command ability per phase, you just can't issue the same command ability multiple times per phase or a...
Thats fair man, and for you I feel the pain honestly. My space marines use third party shoulder pads and weapons.
I genuinely think it's mad weird that people are up in arms about a change that's basically more or less been exactly the same since GW literally...
I'm not trying to defend GW, but minimum painting standards and WYSIWYG (so no proxies) have been tournament standards for a long time, regardless...
This has been a rule for as long as GW has hosted tournaments. GW tournament so needs GW models and GW parts. As far as i understand it, +1 and...
Not that i would see. Grand alliances are rumored to be gone. Additional + to save simply reduces the effectiveness of rend. I'd also hold out...
Not in Koatl's Claw unfortunately.
Knights suffer from not being able to trigger both Curse's mortals and the Scar Vet's exploding six's CA. Mortals is still probably better but...
Warscroll battalions are confirmed out. Only core battalions for matched play.
I think he's saying that you can drop a unit of 30 demonettes down without having to "spend" 2 out of your 4 allotted reinforcements to have a 30...
Don't be so doom and gloom man, hard to see the forest when we're just getting pictures of the leaves. The game will be different, but i...