Haha more or less unfortunately.
Lizardmen had at least one extremely competitive list for most of 6th, 7th and 8th edition fantasy. Skink cloud was a very dangerous build and...
Lizardmen have always been a horde army, but they did not receive anything special from having a horde in fantasy outside of the general rank and...
Hasn't every competitive skaven list since their book came out taken at least 6 storm fiends? But to each their own dude, I thought it was a...
Im not really sure what you are getting at here. Stormfiends are their most recent model and arguably the best sculpt in their range. And have...
I think we are saying the same thing. Your strategy can't be "deploy in a corner" because its not a functional strategy anymore.
In 40k the smaller sizes was to prevent the super deep, shoot you from across the map type of deployment and strategy. At least that's what they...
something to keep in mind ist hat 40k only limits +1/-1 on hits, wounds and saves. Not all bonuses are limited, and i imagine the same will apply...
Lol i don't disagree with you there. It was a ridiculous statement to make regardless because its just clearly, clearly, CLEARLY never going to...
Well, to be fair this is clearly a 3.0 army book still dealing with 2.0 rules. This could be perfectly clear when 3.0 drops /shrug. I doubt it,...
Which is why I posted the FAQ earlier that elaborates on what specifically a "normal move" entails and the rules that govern it. That, in...
Using that same logic you could argue why didn't GW just put "this unit can still charge in that turn" or something like that, as it does with all...
Personally I think you're spread a little too thin. Kroak + Slann is probably not necessary in fangs and I'd reorganize your skinks to have at...
I don't disagree at all, and I think the specific nature of the blood knight language probably has a lot to do with 3.0. I guess all we can do is...
There is no difference between a normal move that starts within 3 and a retreat. It's simply two ways to describe the exact same thing. There is...
Riders of ruin does not grant retreat and charge. A normal move that takes place within 3 is a retreat and is defined as such in the core rules....
I like that timeline better as it means kragnos is right around the corner.
SCE will probably always be in the starter box just like marines are always in the 40k starter box. Rumors point to hobgobbos + wolf riders as...
Rumors i have heard suggest that the gap between belakor/kragnos is more like the gap between morathi and teclis than teclis and belakor. I...
Curious how summer ghb and 3.0 will play off each other. Any guesses on 3.0 release date? I've heard september/October which makes sense if...