Makes sense. I'm one of those people that bring a CP and double 40's. I usually deploy one out front that can function as a screen or if they give...
If the rule states "move" and not "normal move" then it applies to all movement including charges and pile ins.
Very interesting. What armies have the firepower and the range to kill 2 40 blocks? I've literally never lost more than a single 40 block, so i'm...
I'm surprised you aren't being forced to go first more often with Fangs. I've found in most of my games people just aren't willing to take a...
I think if anything this conversation shows a lot of these things is just a matter of framing. We get these tiny little snapshots of stuff from...
I heard 3.0 is not until later this year (Septemberish type time frame) but who knows. We are in the "speculate wildly about everything" phase so...
I don't think it's the same, just both systems obviously take cues from the other. 9th edition 40k has the smaller board, more set/global command...
More or less matches up with some other rumors I've heard. I wouldn't be surprised if it's all true. Wouldn't be surprised if none of its true. A...
Doesn't feel like this was super necessary. No reason to word things they way you did.
Eh, the trog is really quite good but it's only because of his interaction with kroak. Once kroak is changed he will need something to make him...
EXACTLY. THIS A THOUSAND TIMES THIS. I feel like people are generally cool with the double turn until an army shows up that is just going to...
Would you rather play coalesced or starborne? Any must keep models? Imo you have a decent path for both. Double basti in thunder lizard or more...
Hm with double basti it might be worth squeezing them in and going thunder lizard. Can drop the steg both endless spells the cp and 10 skinks...
Its obviously a very particular style of list. Low drop definitely helps a behemoth focused list control the flow of turns a little bit more, but...
Trogs can work great with kroak, it makes his threat range absolutely massive. I think the regular steg is throwing me a bit. I know you said...
Feels clearly unintended. He can't be "set up" after the game begins and when leaving a garrison you are "set up" within 6. The rule vs ability...
I like how it gives kroak that "doesn't give a fuck about the little people" vibe. I'll be honest, I dig it. Seraphon wrecks some shit and in the...
Looks beastly, and i like the suggestions @Nart and @Tav made. Personally I think doubling up on skink heroes is a trap, but to each their own....
Thats a great point! Edit: I was just thinking... imagine if new kroak scroll is Allegiance locked. Coalesced would be kind of hilarious.
Haha in that case we are already a bit overdue! Imagine if they put us on that lrl timeline. Just nonstop new stuff.