oh yeah, oops, just realized that :oops: I would still say go with some generic heroes instead of him though. ...stupid names that start with...
That sounds pretty cool, could you possibly post pics of that? :)
er... the rest of your army could be dead before he shows up from the board edge, and he'd take up a third of the points in your army... so I...
And to ward off excessive theory-hammer, how about we first see if anyone else can nullify magic weapons? I know of nobody else who can do that......
I like how that green one came out, he looks real dirty and angry, like Rambo... :P
I really don't know, I've never hqve'd anything... =P
Hmmmm this is tricky... I was going to post my thoughts until I figured out I have absolutely no idea... so i'm a-gonna just wait and see if they...
The new (7th edition) book is copyright 2008, it has a big saurus on the cover with many of the other units visible in the background.
consider that seconded...
All your models blow me away... :jawdrop: That blood bowl kroxie really stands out, he is sick!
Well you're in luck, because Lizardmen can go all-plastic pretty well. Stegadons come with a skink chief and priest, and you can make some pretty...
OK... I'm kind of biased because I love CHAKAX!!!! :smug: :smug: :smug: :smug: :smug: :smug: :smug: :smug: :smug: :smug: :smug: :smug:...
BECAUSE ALL MUST DIE!!!! :bored: :bored: :bored: :walkingdead:
What is the meaning of that? o_O
Wow... I would have died so long ago if strewart hadn't been so persuasive... ;) Good game everyone!
Re: Div's Lizards! Hey man that's pretty sick! Love the steg scales and bases!
Very nice :smug:
Yeah, this is what I would say as well. They just can't have S4. If G.W. wants them to not smush chariots, give them either strength 6 with some...
That's pretty epic... :D he really tried to get you with pit of shades...
That would I believe be because I think we have unmasked you and hunted as murderers... edit: and because I am naturally going to side with...