So I got this game for the PC recently, and although it's from a couple years ago, I am amazed by how much fun I'm having playing it. And the best...
Well, we definitely need to kill someone, and since I of course am not going to vote for myself I will vote for Crimson seeing as strewart has...
Did someone say my name? :smug:
It is for me... :shamefullyembarrased:
So the skink is like an "independent" party candidate? *Edit* What does that make the Slann? :smug:
Jeepers, a ghost! :jawdrop: Hey ghost, did 'ja catch a glimpse o' who killed ya' by any chance? ;)
Hmm... This has never happened to me, maybe I don't write long enough posts? :P As for browsers, I agree IE stinks, I have never tried firefox...
What formation are you going to run the slann and TG in? 15+4=19 which is a prime number...
I like the gray skin, it makes him look like some sort of wise elder-priest :meh:
Wow Steve, you have quite a following... :D
And then his nooblet wizard friends dispel it. :shamefullyembarrased:
Ah, there were many other candidates, but they chose to give it to obama because the nobel prizes are changing from legitimate commendations for...
The Bat-Man says that the assassins will live long enough to see themselves become the villains :meh:
I've got a (probably bad) idea... just for kicks you could go lore of metal and chuck law of gold at him... :meh:
ha crimson, seasickness is nothing... *flails around wildly in hurricane winds, climbs up to the crows nest, grabs a spare sail, and hang-glides...
It is, simply put, "spam" :rage:
This is why cupped hands is a must. You could have owned his vampire character :rage:
I'm sorry, but 3 EOTGs make me want to barf... you need more troops! Terradons, krox, more saurus, more skirmishers!
An impenetrable fog surrounds the ship, blotting out the sun until the sailors cannot tell day from night... :meh:
...which does not matter at all because the Slann is US3.