Lots of saurus are good, they will own the orcs in CC. Does your opponent use fanatics? If so, trigger them early on by running a disposable...
Spoken like a true slann... but are you sure your ruminations have not been befouled by the taint of chaos? i.e. please reconsider killing me!...
Oh no! It's like in treasure island! The black spot! I have been "marked"! You sound pretty devious, old man. OOC: I agree, Revered_Guardian...
Was this sarcasm, or do you really like him??? An all saurus army is an interesting idea, I have heard of all-skink armies before but not...
Why would an assassin be dumb to want people executed, kroxigor? Last time I checked, their goal was to be the last ones left standing, not to...
These are some very useful builds, I will have to consider them for my army! Thanks! :jimlad: :spiderman:
LOL, you're welcome I guess... but my siggy is full to the limit now. I cannae fit anything else. NOBODY SAY ANYTHING GOOD! :D :D :D
Welcome! I see you're having fun with the smilies :smug: :bored: :walkingdead: PS great avatar man!
Hmmm... I still don't trust the old wizard, but you've got me convinced here. Vote change: Hellbreaker
Welcome to the jungle! You must agree this is a very beautiful website, no? :artist:
Did the Old Ones compel you to tell us this? Hope you come back! ;)
Welcome! We are very happy to have you here now! But this should probably be in the introductions section... *holds out Y-shaped stick to...
Welcome, you will find that we here at L.O. are very helpful! :)
An intereting observation dumbledore, and eloquently worded... but I do't quite see the "death" in the second quote... and I have a hunch yiou may...
DAEMON-SKINK!!!!!! I really like the salamanders too. Great conversion work overall!
Ooh, Camo-skink will like this... My suggestions would be to switch one of the three priests for a scar-vet to give the army a bit more close...
sigged! :D
I'm american... and I like bacon, but not biscuits or gravy...
Welcome and greetings and such... but what is up with you and "sexytime"?
Yeah, I'd say don't use Tetto'eko in the same army as a Slann, he's more of a faux-toad who I think is best used in under-2000 pt games. He's...