Congrats on playing as well as you did and learning the game. Here's my thoughts, for what they're worth. To answer your question, no:...
The opponent should only roll as many dice at a time as it would take to hit every remaining skink model. Roll to wound, and repeat as necessary....
Just be careful with Lore of Light and Daemons. A lot of them run the Sundering Banner on their BSB; not only will you be at -2 to cast a lore of...
To get my state arborist certification (a feather in my cap at work), I had to take a 4-5 hour test over tree physiology, diseases, and...
Metal is very strong against them. The Warriors have a minimum armor save of 4+ (3+ with shields), so that's what you'll need to roll to wound...
I think the only army out there that gets Enchanted Shield for 5 points is Ogre Kingdoms. It's not listed in their army book at all.
Well, it's like this... The shelf is in a bookcase, and it's held up by little metal tabs. There's pet food stored on the top shelf (my old lady...
Ohhhhhhhhh man... I don't even know what to say. Message me a PO box or something; I'll send you a box of Skavens. Seriously. I get store...
Arli is right on. Beyond that, Cupped Hands doesn't technically make our opponent miscast in the first place. It makes him suffer the effect of...
Smoothly may be a bit of a stretch. Evidently GW realized all of a sudden 1) that people actually play these games in extremely competitive...
Great link, thanks Rolfgar! The thing is, they're not any closer to a consensus on this than we are. I don't agree with the 'single test'...
Again, I understand your argument. They are a single target. It's my contention that, based on the wording of the text, a rider and monster are...
In the previous Lizardmen book you could place them as close as you wanted as long as they were out of sight. Alas, now it's just 12" but...
Are you anywhere near Kettering, Larinus? (Not sure if you consider Northamptonshire central.) I've got some family there.
I do see where you're coming from Hoverboy, and I really do hope you're right- my stegadons haven't been getting out much in 8th for fear of this...
I'm in central USA, and other than a spot of rain earlier this month we've had no precipitation. It's a bit chilly, but still unseasonably warm...
Ok, here's a list I'd try in that situation. Slann: Lore of Light. Book of Ashur, Divine Plaque, BSB- Banner of Swiftness or Discipline....
That's right, as per the latest FAQ. Bottom of page 2:
You're right that the Doomwheel is classed as unique, but it treats terrain the same as a chariot (Skaven FAQ page 4, 'Rolling Doom'). Any...
Here's my two cents worth... If you want to come out ahead against Skaven, or Daemons, or Dark Elves- any powerful army, that is- the first step...