I played a few minutes of the previous installments, until the FPP started giving me motion sickness. They seemed fun, and the television spots...
Hiv0r is absolutely correct. If you need to take skirmishers to fill your core requirements against WoC, target things like Giants, War Hounds,...
Yeah, look at page 76 of the rulebook, last paragraph. They even use the word 'Steadfast' to describe the effect Stubborn grants. It's just that...
Welcome! Lizardmen are indeed powerful, especially now in 8th edition. We're one of the most versatile armies out there, and have strong units...
Now mostly recovered from his near fatal car wreck (see http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/sad-fate-for-a-great-opponent.4616/ for the action...
Sounds like some good battles... Well, maybe not the second one. I'm going to re-write my latest list to include Soul of Stone based on your...
Even making the attribute movement bonus D3 or D6 would make it a little less overwhelming, and might help represent the unpredictability of...
The debate was over whether or not Hover is something beneficial that could be added to the Slann's rules, as it would also explain why he is...
Which makes sense; unfortunately that has little to do with how a lot of people interpret the rules. I've heard it argued that that because the...
The problem is, if he's floating he can't march. That may or may not mess up the Temple Guard being able to march along with him.
Awesome! I'd love to see some pictures of the fire-themed Lizardmen when you have some painted up. And vict0988 is right, your Slann just about...
Welcome, welcome! I've just started collecting some Ogres in addition to my Lizardmen; both are great armies and you should have some epic...
Kihachi Okamoto's The Sword of Doom has to be my top choice, followed by Dead Alive and Meet the Feebles, both by Peter Jackson.
Interestingly enough, real chameleons don't change color to blend in with their surroundings, but to communicate things to other chameleons. A...
Aieee! I am mortally wounded... Damnable Nightwalker! At least I survived one round and took the hated foe with me into the abyss. That's a...
Probably as fair as any other, and simpler than most. Or, it might be a way to do the wild card, in the event that we both go up in a puff of...
Hmm... Looks like the hated and treacherous Dark Elf is up next for me to battle, which brings to mind a question. We both strike simultaneously,...
Wow, I was sure I was going to lose that one. Killing blow was my only chance, but it came through. I was also surprised that the Goblin fell;...
I shall slay thee, vile Saurus Oldblood! Actually... I think I may be a bit outclassed in this first match. I strike first and re-roll hits, but...
Our store had a 2000 point tournament this weekend with the express purpose of getting people to use high level lords and monsters. Here's a link...