Big skink/ kroxigor units work great on bloodletters. Yeah, they wound you on 2's, but so does almost everything else, and the skinks get their...
Wow, it's neat! Now you need some terrain pieces to match, like a desert sand colored mat and a big paper mache volcano. Hmm, it could be...
Gor-rok is still a great choice if you can spare the points. Very hard to kill, stubborn regardless of ranks, and makes cavalry and such take...
I see where you're coming from, but allow me to respectfully argue my case. Losing power dice is an effect of the miscast, correct? It's listed...
We used a very similar system for our 7th ed. Mighty Empires campaign, but it was a bit more simplistic. I think the rules for it actually come...
Thanks for the concern, folks. Quick update, they let my buddy come home, but he's bedridden for the foreseeable future and is doped up on all...
GW petition time: I want a kroxigor plastic box kit! The river trolls are terrific, and fly off the shelf at my game store. Heck, I'd buy...
+1 on adding the chameleons; they're terrific. As far as dropping Temple Guard in favor of upgrading stegadons, or anything else for that matter,...
That is the rumor anyway. From what the local game store owner tells me, Tomb Kings and Ogres are the next two armies to get a new book, probably...
Over the course of playing Warhammer league at my local game store, I got to be good friends with the resident Chaos Daemon player. He takes the...
I say go for the skink chief. He has good initiative, and killing blow might make them think twice about putting an expensive character up...
Hard to go wrong with a list like that. Looks like you've got the bases covered; I can't really pick out any significant weaknesses. The only...
Remember, Cupped Hands still negates your miscast even if there's no enemy wizard in sight; you just won't be able to bounce the effect. The rule...
It'd be a great choice, but my gaming group decreed that the Slann can't go on the carpet due to his model not being on foot. I think I'll just...
Wow, there's a lot of great advice coming in. I never paid close enough attention to terrain rules to capitalize on that last one; thanks!...
I've got 20 some cold one riders that have been sitting in a box since 8th edition came out, just because I had convinced myself they weren't...
Ah, but mortars can't march and shoot, blow up occasionally, and don't burn through armor nearly as well; I still have to say the salamander is...
Yeah, the model is one of the most detailed and disturbing I've seen. There are maggots festering in the large open wounds on it's back, and it's...
Killing blow works off of unit type and not base size now; even the Slann is vulnerable to regular KB as an infantry model now. The oldblood...
The fuel injector or carburetor in your gasoline powered vehicle maintains a basically constant fuel/air mix ratio. Thus, all the 'gas pedal' has...