I think I'd probably sell my house to have that. Wait, no probably about it. Thanks for posting that!
If you just mindlessly stick the expensive TG/Slann out there and wait for every enemy unit to smash into it, of course it's going to die. If you...
First thing is to not use the skrox like they were saurus, because they're no where near as durable. One on one, the skinks will take too heavy...
Wow!! That's what I wanted my models to look like when I started painting them, only it didn't go so well for me... The colors look clear and...
Very true, and great on Nurgle demons too. The only thing that concerns me is enemies like Tyrion and his dragon men, a couple of the new book...
Temple Guard with a Life augment spell (and maybe Razor standard for good measure) will walk through Chaos Warriors like they were preschoolers...
Chakax is overkill, at least until they re-word his special rule on striking first in a challenge. For his points, you could add 20 more Temple...
Remember for Cupped Hands, you roll on the miscast table first, then choose whether or not to bounce it's effect onto the opponent. The rule says...
There's nothing preventing you from placing terrain dead center now if you so choose. Even look at the example battles in the rulebook; they...
Here's a link to my first hero conversion pictures; with a little bit of time you can make them look good (better than mine anyway), but, more...
The only comparable unit I can think of off hand is a Herald of Nurgle on palanquin. It still counts as infantry according to the rulebook...
You sure can re-roll stupidity with the BSB; the problem with putting him in with the saurus is that he won't get a Look Out Sir roll, as he is...
Eh, I don't know about competent, but I have better than average dice luck, and I'm always willing to lose a few games trying out unorthodox...
If you use the vanguard move you can't charge first turn, page 79 last paragraph. Chameleon skinks might be something to consider.
On closer examination of the rulebook, parry save doesn't stack with other items. Oh well, back to the drawing board...
Page 44 of the rulebook spells it out; different ward saves cannot be combined, and you use whichever one is best. -edit: The only exception to...
I think the less temple guard you take, the more you have to tone down the Slann to avoid making it such a disaster if something goes wrong. It...
Tank does have a leadership value now; you'd use the engineer's LD 10, since they can't be targeted separately.
I ran this list in two 2500 point battles, first against Daemons, then WoC. I drew it up with no particular opponent in mind, so not everything...
Don't post point totals for each unit; first, we all have the army book and know what everything costs, and second, it's against the forum rules...