Losing the priest is an entire games worth of power dice wasted. One shouldn't rely on magic, but ignoring it seems foolish to me.
I'll agree with killing the wizard/general. It's essential! not that I'm good at it, but...
The terrorghiest and banshee shrieks are in the shooting phase and apparently quite unpleasant.
Should always have at least one spell caster, even if level 1, otherwise you're missing out on a phase for no reason. That said, I personally...
Ethereal units don't bother me. They WONT STAY DEAD!
As to my choice in Saurus unit size, it mostly came down to the size of the game and my playstyle. I like being able to move around and react to...
You're absolutely right! Rookie mistake on my part. Thanks!
Since I'm building my second Steg with the EotG.... I'll just need a third! Though in my group I could probably proxy one steg for another.......
The steadfast/stubborn topic is interesting. Why are giants so strong against Stegs? Buddy has one but I haven't played against it yet. I'd love...
Remembered the second question! If sufficient wounds are targetted at the skinks (as they must) to kill them all, are excess wounds rolled against...
Re: Children of the lost jade city Qukai'Huan - totzros pain Thanks for the precise response! I think that's precisely what my jade is missing,...
I can see Krox getting redone in resin.
Ah, so good to hear from you, my sneaky VC player. Hiding on our scaly forums, such cheek!
Being renowned in my small gaming group for my excellent parry save rolling, I may be slightly biased... But despite my minimal cohorts sticking...
With only 800 points, I think that's a bit small for two priests. I'd lose the level one, put the Plaque on the level two which makes him a pretty...
Scar-Vet Additional Hand Weapon Venom of Firefly Frog Armour of Fortune Skink Priest Level 2 Dispel Scroll Diadem of Power 15 Saurus, FC 15...
I return! Sorry about the wait, I shall try to be as accurate as memory allows. We didn't take notes. Also, I forgot to mention the Priest had...
This is a list I'll be trying out tonight about Vampire Counts and High Elves. I'll let you know how it goes! Scar-Vet Additional Hand Weapon...
So! Fielded a unit of Skrox, 22+2 /w Command as an experiment. Suffice to say, more questions arose then were answered... First off, we were...
Chamo on terradon totally defeats the idea of being sneaky fluffwise... Coatl would be sweet. Been tempted to pick up a cockatrice and using it as...