Re: Children of the lost jade city Qukai'Huan - totzros pain Looks good! This has always been a good thread. I've been experimenting with jade a...
CAAAAAAANG!!! :jawdrop: That things a monster! Very cool! From forgeworld, describing the carmine dragon: "The name Carmine comes from the...
Ah, thank you.
Well the BRB unhelpfully lists skinks as infantry, but not Skrox specifically... so if you're just going by that they're infantry with upgrades...
I agree. He doesn't get lost in the back or anything, and with his helm painted up and that big spear he'll easily pop out of the 'crowd.'...
Terradons would be cool, I really like the current Krox right now even if they are still metal. How about... a Saurus hero armed with something...
Oh I know, I just couldn't help myself.
I've seen some promising mini's from the Hordes game on the Privateer Press site but I don't know how their scale compares to our 25mm. Anyone?
So I was hoping to proxy in a few amazon type models here and there. I'm not a fan of the Amazon Blood Bowl team and only like two or three of the...
Plus empire has lots of up to date plastic kits... Bring back Chaos Dwarfs! :rolleyes:
I found it, thanks again!
Thanks Arli, that's exactly what I was looking for. Where'd you find the info? BRB under warbeasts or something? I don't think it was in the errata...
I've got almost all of them and I found that Thraka Green smells worst to me... :rolleyes:
How does this work? In the book it says the skinks rank up behind the salamanders. Do all four skinks go behind? Do they get supporting attacks if...
What seems to be essential with Salamanders when they're running about on their own is that extra 'snack.' Buying an extra handler for only 5pts...
Don't have any pictures but what I did with my Saurus is take bits from the Standards - feathers, spikes, etc - as well as the shoulder pads. I...
It's my understanding that Empire is next, followed by Dwarfs/Bretts though I'm not sure the order.
Re: The Army of Mage-Lord Xhucha (Still in Works) I like fluffy armies, they always seem more important. One thing, your big Slann can have a...
"a Wizard who has a Feedback Scroll can read it instead of attempting to dispel the spell" It doesn't specifically say a different wizard can't...
I remember this one! From when I first started the hobby when I was just a kid! :D I'd love to see pictures if someone could find them