Wow cool! Were those the arse ends of the last cold ones I saw? Very well done. I've seen your base for that Priest and I do rather like how...
Washes! :rolleyes:
In my gaming group, we've all come up with a little description of our armies to make the battles seem more important. Here's mine, inspired by...
I, like many of you I expect, have a spare stegadon head. It looks awesome. I have no idea what to do with it. I've seen it put on a base, but I'd...
I want to be able to field everything, I suppose...
I disagree completely. Elves have terrible taste in haberdashery. :rolleyes:
Against your High Elven and Skaven opponents, you may want to have your carnosaur within range of the Engine's ward save against shooting, might...
Do you have pictures?
It would have to be written from a skinks perspective. They're the only ones who really preserve and create any sort of culture and social...
I was thinking drugs of some sort boosting their adrenaline making them quick via initiative and their high movement. Poor weapon skill and...
Ha! I think I may purchase a box of flagellents and convert them into said slave warriors, fielding them as a skink cohort with a skink 'minder'...
Ah cool. I've seen a lot of those old Slann models but never the palanquin with slaves. Interesting. Rules-wise, any ideas how you could fit those...
This passage intrigues me: "The first human invaders to brave the Piranha Swamps around the Amaxon delta met with a grisly end, but not at the...
Ah, you're completely right about the skinks! We'd been doing Warbands for a bit, thus the mistake. Not taking a second salamander would free up...
Hello! I've recently got back into the hobby and naturally return to my lizardmen! So far my regular opponent has been a mate who's just putting...
Yeah I had a peak through the FAQ as well. All right, thanks!
Hi! I'm new here, and I've just been learning to play 8th with a few mates, so I was hoping you might be able to clarify something. Are Blowpipes...