Firstly, YA DAFT GITS! I TOLD YE I WEREN'T NO KILLER! lol! I must admit, I wasn't too keen on the forced voting, I felt in dragged out the game...
Hi all, having trouble working out what to spend my last few points on, list so far is: Slann - Lore of Life, Rumination, Cogitation, Plaque of...
I can't find where I saw it, but I saw someone post this setup: Old Blood Fencers Blades, Aura of Quetzl, Glittering Scales(how suiting!) so all...
So far, my views on the lores: Fire - good offensive lore, especially if you need to bombard 1 unit (due to attribute) all flaming brings its own...
Other boosts on Sallies (Just read the book for the 1st time last night, but as I understand it) You seem to randomise wounds on monsters and...
Also, the carnosaur Pendant grants Frenzy, now, not having read the new rules I'm not sure, but does the Carno's Frenzy transfer to the Oldblood...
Actually, the point of 18 TG is to rank 6x3 so 18 attacks, same as 3x2 Krox. I was meaning this as a comparison of combat units on their own...
What is this Overkill of which you speak? :mad: lol, just ran a few quick sums in my head, with the +1 LD banner you've got a less than 2%...
Go-go gadget cupped hands and multiple small spells instead of a few big ones to mitigate toad popping? As an aside, has anyone run the numbers...
I'm liking TempleGuard over Krox so far this edition (though I've always loved TG so I'm a little biased lol!), To take the 2 above examples: -...
Hi All, I've seen quite a few theories on what will and won't be good in 8th, so I thought it'd be good to form a thread to accumulate what...
Thanks for the responses! @Arli - depending on left over points from the magic items allotment, the commands definately up there on my to-get...
"Aye lad, I canna' think why you'd vote for yourself when there was already a vote against you anyway. It's not needed for the majority but to...
So, If you have a slann with the "Turn into Dragon/ big beastie/ whatever" spell, and he's in a unit of Temple Guard, would that be worthwhile?...
Or you could buy the Razordon models, convert them with big back-fin things and paint them fiery colours to use as sallies? ;) Thats my plan...
Hi all, Tinkering with a 1000pt list for an escalating "Tale of Gamers" type campaign with a few friends to get us into 8th, thought I'd ask for...
I also like the idea of 5x4 or 5x5 SpearSaurus as, if a lot of people are going to be running 10 wide units, you can fit a hard hitting unit...
Thinking with 8th in mind, I'm looking at trying 10-lizard support units for my saurus blocks. With the potential for 10-wide deployments, I'm...
"As do I friend, as do I..." says Dreadgrass, eyeing his accusers. "Now, to the task at hand, There is hopefully only 1 assassin remaining amongst...
"I admitted I could wave a hook lad, as could any of us who has half the muscle of a cathayan milk maid! I also said I couldn' do what was done...