Had a thought tonight, sort of moving on from a previous idea what do people think of placing a skink Chief on a Steg/ Ancient Steg with either...
The list looks good in general, A couple of personal preference suggestions 2 x 11 Skink Skirmishers = 156 These are fine but can be dropped to...
OOC: I think we're getting to the point of voting, I've got a few hunches, but nothing solid enough to go on yet... If my hunch pans out then I'll...
General Sir! We may need to be moving on Sir! Now the Beasties have taken the town, we'll need to rendezvous with the nearest bastion and get news...
The biggest problem I've found people have with the EotG's (especially 2 of them) isn't the magic/ extra lvl or even the Steg itself, its the...
I'll look into that wood fer you General Sir! *Hefts a sturdy axe taken from a fallen Gor No use damaging the Emperors tools when the locals...
OOC: lol just beat me to the post! No vote from day2, got too carried away with 'busting up Gor. Day 3 eh, lets see what unfolds... If we don't...
Dreadgrass holds his ground, laying into the last of the Beasties whilst steadfastly protecting the strangely quiet general...
OOC: sorry Revered, my bad. So by my count theres 7 Gor left?
Dreadgrass stays by the General, defending his right flank amidst the chaos of the Beastman assault, a particularly large Gor bears down on him...
My standard 3 are Focus of Mystery, Focused Rumination, and Becalming Cogitation so he knows all spells in a lore, has +1 PD per spell and...
I guess you could drop 1 Terradon, the champs on your saurus and the standard on your Cold Ones for 10 skirmishers, though personally Id really...
*with a practiced ease born of several campaigns experience (litereally, Im basing myself on fluff I made for an Empire Hero I normally run!)...
At the risk of giving evil advise, is there any way you can take Lore of Death (even though Skaven magic is evil, bear with me)? Doom and Darkness...
Its an Empire Arch Lector on a War altar, which is essentially a chariot that adds to his magical abilities, I think it has a bound spell or...
Aye yer Priestlyness, I'll see to the lad *casts a glance around, then looks down at Eternitywarden's body*, sigmars fury'll fall on the traitor...
Question, In the revised list, do the Saurus blocks have spears at all? Other than that its looking good, I'd personally run another skirmish...
BY SIGMARS SHINY LOINCLOTH!!!! That be no Beastman weapon lads, did anyone see what happened?
Also, regarding the Screaming Bell/ Furnace: Do they count as Warmachines in any respect (affected by Commandment of Brass/ etc.) Can the Grey...
personally, Id run the cav minimum size without a character or command, which is less than 200pts. How much terrain do you play with Black Death?...